Chapter 3

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Y/n's POV

My eyes flutter open. I groan and hold my head, feeling a slight bump where I hit. I look at my side to see it wrapped tightly in bandages. On the table next to me I find a note.

Y/n, I'm going to kill the dragon.
I'll be back soon.
- Hiccup

I pull myself. If he doesn't do this right he's going to get himself killed. I quickly run out the back door. The sun is barley riseing.

After a good hour I found Hiccup getting frustrated.

"Should have known I'd find you before you found it." He looks up startled before giving me a slight chuckle.

"Yeah. Um are you feeling okay?" He asks staring at the bruise from on my forehead. I nod.

"Yup. It's nothing a Viking can't handle." I laugh.

"How's finding this dragon going?" I question. He huffs as we begin to walk.

"Uggh, the gods hate me. Some people lose their knife or their mug. No, not me. I manage to lose an entire dragon." He huffs. Hiccup whacks a low-hanging branch. It snaps back at him, hitting him in the face. We looks up to see a snapped tree trunk. Our eyes follow it to a long trench of up-turned earth. We follow it to a downed, black dragon, its body and tail tangled in a bola. Hiccup gasps, pulling us both down. We then peak again. He fumbles for his dagger. I slide down before him, saddened by the view of the fallen creature.

Hiccup follows, pulling us both behind a rock. He takes some breaths in and out before coming back out from behind the rock.

"Oh wow. I did it. I did it. This fixes everything. Yes!" He faces me happily. He approaches it and puts his foot on it.

"I have brought down this mighty beast!" It shifts and Hiccup flings himself back onto the rock with a "Whoa!"

I simply watch from the side as he approaches it again with his dagger pointed at it. They maintain eye contact before Hiccup huffs.

"I'm going to kill you, Dragon. I'm gonna cut out your heart and take it to my father. I'm a Viking. I am a VIKING!" Hiccup yells in the face of the beast. I hate the sight but can't seem to look away as the creature let's out a moan.

Hiccup breathes in before raising the dagger. He makes eye contact with the Night Fury and slowly his posture falls. He then looks aways and straightens up again. The dragon closes it's eyes and lays it's head back down, accepting it's fate. I'm heartbroken by the sight. Hiccup keeps his dagger raised before he gives up. He eyes the ropes and quickly I run over with my own dagger.

It's breathing is laboured. We quickly begin to cut away at the ropes, it's eyes springing open. The Dragon pounced at Hiccup, pinning him to the rocks as I fly in the opposite direction. I sit up to see the eye contact between them. It's wings spread to the side before it roars in his face. It turns and looks at me, it's eyes becoming gentler but still holding it's firceness. I get the urge to reach out so I do. It's eyes stay on my hand before it takes off.

It struggles to fly, hitting a rock and other things. I stand up and watch as it struggles. It lets out a pained and panicked moan before a crash is heard. It can't fly. Hiccup and I turn to walk away. Hiccup's knees go wobbly and he faints. I huff and pick him up, throwing him over my shoulder. It's a long walk home that takes all day. We try to sneak past Stoick and up the steps but he stops us.


"Dad. Uh... I, uh... I have to talk to you, Dad." You can feel how awkward it is.

"I need to speak with you too, son." They both straighten up.

"I've decided I don't want to I think it's time you learn fight dragons. to fight dragons." The sentences jumble together in my mind.

"What?" They both say at the same time.

"You go first." Stoick pushes

"No, you go first." Hiccup says going the the stairs a bit.

"Alright. You get your wish. Dragon training. You start in the morning. Oh and you too, Y/n. After what happened last night it'll be good for you." Stoick says.

"Oh man, I should've gone first. Uh, 'cause I was thinking, you know we have a surplus of dragon-fighting Vikings, but do we have enough bread-making Vikings, or small home repair Vikings-"

"You'll need this." Stoick drops an axe in his arms.

"I don't want to fight dragons." Hiccup replies. Stoick laughs.

"Oh come on. Yes, you do." He says turning away.

"Rephrase. Dad I can't kill dragons."

"But you will kill dragons."

"No, I'm really very extra sure that I won't."

"It's time Hiccup."

"Can you not hear me?"They go back and forth. He takes the axe in his hands.

"This is serious son! When you carry this axe... you carry all of us with you. Which means you walk like us. You talk like us. You think like us. No more of... this." He says gesturing to all of him after handing back the axe.

"You just gestured to all of me."


"This conversation is feeling very one-sided."

"Deal?!" Hiccup rolls his eyes and huffs.

"Deal." Stoick grabs his helmet and duffel bag and heads for the door.

"Good. Train hard. I'll be back. Probably."

"And I'll be here. Maybe."

How To Train Your Dragon (Hiccup Horrendous Haddock iii x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now