Chapter 8

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I smile as we made our way along the side of the spring. It's quiet and peaceful, something you don't get alot of in a Viking village. I look up at the Night Fury to see him blasting the ground, setting it slightly a blaze before resting on it and cheerfully watching a bird fly away from its nest. I laugh as it's cheery mood turns to a more annoyed look as it catches sight of Hiccup sitting right in front of him. My laugh catches his attention as he looks at me curiously. I smile at it before walking up and joining Hiccup. It huffs before draping his tail in front of his face.

Hiccup scouts towards the animal and reaches a hand out to touch it. It lifts it's tail right before Hiccup makes contact which makes the boy stand up, walking away as if he didn't try anything. The dragon huffs and stomps off.

As time passes Hiccup and I find ourselves drawing with sticks in the dirt. I smile as Hiccup does his outline of the Night Fury. He quickly looks over at mine and his jaw drops making me laugh.

"How are you so good at this stuff?" He asks crossing his arms.

"When you find no interest in killing dragons, you find other things just as good. Besides you are extremely good at art to.... just maybe not in the dirt." I smile quickly fixing up the details.

"There, finished!" I smile at the magnolia flowers that were formed in the dirt. I smile at his face before pushing for him to continue his drawing. He finishes the outline when we hear and feel a huff behind us. I turn and watch as the creature watches Hiccup in interest, his head moving everyway the stick did. I smile and draw another flower noticing the creature watching me now before waddling off on two feet. I giggle a bit as it comes back with a tree branch.

He quickly begins to make his own art, spinning and running, dragging the stick along with him. I laugh as the creature spins before hitting Hiccup in the head with the leaves. It sits back and gives a purr of approval. Hiccup and I stand up, tracing the line with our eyes.

Hiccup takes a few steps foward, landing on a line. The dragon procedes to growl making Hiccup take his foot off. Hiccup experimentally steps on the line again to which the dragon growls again. He takes his foot off and offers his hand to me. I take it with a smile as we begin to twirl around, avoiding the lines in a dance like way. I laugh as Hiccup picks me up by the waist and twirls me making the dragon purr. He sets me down and stops as he stand us right in front of the dragon. He turns and reaches a hand out to which he responds cautiously. Hiccup then puts his head down and holds his hand out, waiting for something to happen.

Then the dragon leans forward and rests his nose against his hand. Hiccup flinches before looking up. The Night Fury pulls away before going back to its protective side and swooping away. We stare off before I turn to him.

 We stare off before I turn to him

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"That was amazing."

Time Skip

"...and with one twist he took my hand and swallowed it whole. And I saw the look on his face. I was delicious. He must have passed the word, because it wasn't a month before another one of them took my leg. "Gobber and the rest of us in dragon training sat on top of an abandoned catapult tower, gathered around a fire and just talking.

"Isn't it weird to think that your hand was inside a dragon. Like if your mind was still in control of it you could have killed the dragon from the inside by crushing his heart or something." Fishlegs says swinging around the two cooked legs of some sort of animal, to big to be a chicken.

"swear I'm so angry right now. I'll avenge your beautiful hand and your beautiful foot. I'll chop off the legs of every dragon I fight, with my face." Snotlout angrily stabs at nothing with the stick.

"Un-unh. It's the wings and the tails you really want. If it can't fly, it can't get away. A downed dragon is a dead dragon." Gobber says, ripping the wings off his cooked animal. I think it's a turky or something.

I give Hiccup a look to which he gulps. I can only hope this thing will survive. I nod at Hiccup and we quickly leave, hoping nobody will notice.

Once home I begin to help Hiccup work on an artificial tail. We work through the night, getting minimal sleep in the end but satisfied as we pass out in Hiccup's room.

The next day we make it to the cove, a basket of fish and the tail in our arms.

"Hey Toothless. We brought breakfast. I hope you're hungry." He says as I kick over the basket, spilling it's contents all over the floor. I smile at the name he's given him. Toothless quickly becomes interested.

"Okay, that's disgusting." I say as we back off a little.

"Uh..we've got some salmon... some nice Icelandic cod... and a whole smoked eel." Hiccup says as Toothless nudges through the fish. Once finding the eel he hisses, shaking violently and backing up, wings beginning to spread.

"No, no, no! It's okay. Yeah, I don't like eel much either." Hiccup says as I pick it up and toss it away. Toothless returns to the fish and begins to eat. I watch as Hiccup backs up towards his tail, climbing onto it and attaching the fake tail. I watch as Toothless has a bit of a realization as he shakes and feels the fake tail. My eyes widen as Toothless spreads his wings with a blank stare on his face. I quickly jump on him in an attempt to stop him but quickly the dragon takes to the sky, Hiccup gripping onto his tail while I grip onto his back.

How To Train Your Dragon (Hiccup Horrendous Haddock iii x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now