Chapter 15

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Today's the day. The dreaded day were Hiccup will have to kill a dragon. The grounds have been transformed. Banners and flags flap in the morning sun. Surrounding the ring, a festive crowd had gathered. All of Berk has turned up for the event. I grip Hiccups hand before letting it go. He looks at me in confusion seeing as I normally continue to hold his hand but instead I had just dropped it. He sighed before grabbing my hand and giving it a squeeze, continuing to grasp it. We quickly head down to the opening of the ring. I hug him.

"Everything will be alright. I'll make sure. And if some how something goes wrong, I'll make it right." I state giving his shoulders a firm squeeze. I quickly throw my arms around his neck and pull him into another hug, praying to Valhalla that Hiccup will be okay.

"Just don't get hurt on me okay?" I say before letting him go.

"I promise." He's says with a small smile. His eyes hold something within them that I can't read. I start to play with my fingers before I kiss his cheek. His eyes widen as I brush away a strand of hair. I look down getting mad at myself in my head. I feel a hand pull my chin up. I look at it with wide, curious eyes. He places both hands on my cheeks before leaning in and kissing me. My eyes widen before closing, wrapping my arms around his neck as his hands leave my face for my waist. He pulls me in closer as i smile into the kiss, feeling all the love and emotion being poured into it. I reluctantly pull away before resting my head against his chest.

"Keep that promise please." I say before leaning up and giving him a quick peck on the lips. I hear footsteps come closer as the time comes. I take a step away from Hiccup with a little grin on my face just as Gobber and Astrid come into view. We can hear Stoick's voice boom to the crowd.

"Well, I can show my face in public again." The crowd cheers and laughs. I shake my head.

"If someone had told me that in a few short weeks, Hiccup would go from being, well... Hiccup, to placing first in dragon training... I would've tied him to a mast and shipped him off for fear he'd gone mad. Yes! And you know it!" The crowd is eating every word up. Stoick himself laughs.

"But here we are. And no one's more surprised or more proud than I am. Today, my boy becomes a Viking. TODAY, HE BECOMES ONE OF US!" The crowd cheers wildly. I look to Hiccup, one glance at him and you can tell he's extremely burdened. Stoick leaves the stage and moves to a big stone throne in the crowd. Gothi stands next to him.

"Be careful with that dragon." Astrid says as she approaches him from behind.

"It's not the dragon I'm worried about." Hiccup replies, not sparing her a glance.

"What are you going to do?" She asks. I sigh.

"He's going to put an end to this." I say making her look towards me. Her eyes shift down before looking back at Hiccup.

"I have to try." Hiccup says looking to me. He then turns to Astrid.

"I've already gone over this with Y/n but if something goes wrong... just make sure they don't find Toothless. Y/n knows how to fly him so all you do is get in and get out." He says before looking at me. I bring him into a hug.

"Remember your promise." I say. I pull away and rest my head in his palm. He nods before giving me one last kiss. Gobber comes around the corner as we pull away.

"It's time, Hiccup. Knock him dead." Hiccup reluctantly leaves. I look back at Astrid who nods to me in understanding. I nod back before turning back to watch Hiccup.

As he enters he places his helmet on his head. The crowd roars in excitement as the he approaches the center.

"Hiccup! Hiccup! Hiccup! Hiccup!" The crowd cheers. He looks around at all the people. He makes eye contact with his father who now also has Gobber at his side. He grabs a shield and a small dagger. I watch as his dad makes his own comments on his choice of weapon. Hiccup takes a deep breath and raises his shield a little.

"I'm ready." The door bolt is raised and every thing is quiet for a moment before the doors burst open. Our eyes are met with a huge Monstrous Nightmare, it's body covered in flames. Everything around it was covered and audible gasps can be heard from the crowd. The Nightmare crawls around the ring, people backing away from the flames. It shoots fire into the crowd making them split. It quickly crawls on the chain netting covering the top before crawling down and staring at Hiccup. People lean in as they maintain eye contact, the beast coming closer slowly. As he backs up, just and arms width away, he drops his shield and dagger, the crowd groaning in displeasure. He continues to back up as it growls a bit. He holds his arms out, trying to calm the beast.

"Hey it's okay. It's okay." The dragon narrows it's eyes on his helmet before looking him in the eyes again and snarling. Hiccup reaches up and grabs it, pulling it from his head.

"I'm not one of them." He says causing gasps to go through the crowd as he throws it to the floor. The Monstrous Nightmare looks at the helmet before looking back at Hiccup, it's eyes becoming kinder as it expresses it's curiosity. Stoick leans foward in anger.

"Stop the fight." He orders.

"No! I need you all to see this." Hiccup says as his feet stay planted even though the beast comes closer.

"They're not what we think they are. We don't have to kill them." Hiccup says as the crowd leans foward before looking to Stoick. Hiccup's hand lays barley an inch away before Stoick's booming voice rings through the area. The dragon becomes unsettled and snaps at Hiccup who begins to scream and run, the beast sending fire at him.

"Hiccup!" Astrid screams as I grab an axe a wedge it between the door and the floor, pushing it up just enough so that Astrid and I can get in there. We shimmy underneath before running to help. I quickly grab a hammer.

"Hiccup!" I yell before throwing it with all my power. It hits the dragon in the face, the upset beast now sets it's sight on me. Stoick pulls up the door fully as the beast charges at me, sending me sprinting toward my left.

"This way!" Stoick yells. Astrid quickly makes it to Stoick who keeps her behind him as he reaches for us. Hiccup and I almost reach it when the dragon send scorching lava at our escape area. We quickly turn and sprint. Hiccup is trapped underneath it's claws as it knocks me down with one of its wings. I quickly get up as I hear a familiar screech.

"Toothless!" I yell as the said dragon comes into sight, blasting through the iron bars. Smoke rises as Toothless attack to the Monstrous Nightmare. I quickly grab Hiccup and pull him towards me. Toothless and the Nightmare tumble into the clear, locked in a toothy, vicious fight. Toothless kicks the Nightmare off and plants himself between Hiccup, me, and the angry dragon. As it lunges towards us Toothless snaps, showing it that he wasn't going to back down. It backs up before scurrying off.

"Y/n take Toothless and go! Get out of here!" Hiccup yells. I quickly jump on his back as Vikings start to realise what stands before them.

"Night Furry!" One screams. They start to jump in.

"Come on Toothless." I say patting him but he refuses to move even though I've already set everything up.

"Go! Go!" Hiccup yells but it's to late. Even Stoick comes running at us with an axe.

"Dad! No! He won't hurt you!" Toothless narrows his eyes at Stoick and growls. With me still on his back he smacks aside Vikings. I hold on as Hiccup yells behind us. Stoick comes at us and Toothless jumps on him. I'm thrown off as they role, groaning in pain. I don't get up but simply turn my head as Toothless opens his mouth to blast Stoick's head off.

"Toothless! STOP! NO!" Toothless swallows back the blast and turns to Hiccup, not understanding. Vikings quickly rush upon us as Stoick hits Toothless in the face. Astrid holds back Hiccup as Vikings begin to grab. I quickly get up, ignoring the throbbing in my head, and try to get through.

"Stop! Please! Your making him like this! STOP!" I scream as I try to push them off. I'm pushed back and hit the ground hard again. I groan and make eye contact with Toothless. He trys to thrash and get to me. I raise my hand to touch him and do before realising I can't do anything. A tear slips from my eye.

Stoick gets to his feet, fuming, shaken. A Viking presents Stoick with an axe. He eyes Toothless a moment, then pushes the axe back into the Viking's hands.

"Put it with the others."

How To Train Your Dragon (Hiccup Horrendous Haddock iii x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now