Chapter 14

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We come up with ideas on the way back on what the hell that was.

"No, no, it totally makes sense. It's like a giant beehive. They're the workers... and that's their queen. It controls them." I say as we jump off of Toothless. Astrid starts to run towards the village.

"She's totally right. Let's find your dad." She says.

"No, no! Not yet. They'll... kill Toothless." Hiccup says as he leeps off and stops her. "Astrid, we have to think this through carefully." He says before turning away a bit.

"Hiccup, we just discovered the dragons' nest...the thing we've been after since Vikings first sailed here. And you two want to keep it a secret? To protect your pet dragon? Are you two serious?" Astrid asks, flailing her arms.

"Yes." Hiccup says simply. She looks at me to which I nod.

"He's much more than a pet. I would've thought that after today you would have seen maybe they aren't as vicious and violent as us Vikings make them out to be. Toothless is apart of me and Hiccup. So yes I do want to keep it a secret to protect my "pet" dragon." I say while giving her a serious stare. Her face drops from the almost angry, scrunched up expression. She stays quiet so Hiccup and I turn away with a sigh.

"Okay. Then what do we do?" Astrid asks sounding put back.

"Just give me until tomorrow. Y/n and I will figure something out." Hiccup sighs.

"Okay." She says. It's quiet for awhile until she punches him in the arm.

"That's for kidnapping me." She says. He does this weird, confused face before turning to Toohtless who snorts as if saying "What can I do?" Astrid then brushes her bangs out of her face. Please tell me she isn't going to do what I think she is. She grabs him by the harness and pulls him in, he winces as he waits for another hit only to be met with a pair of lips on his cheek for a split second.

"That's for, everything else." She says before running off. My heart shatters at the way he stares at her as she runs, a far off dreamy look with the beginning of a smile. He still likes her, everything that we had and had been working up to had flown out the window. I sigh before slipping out another exit, wondering if Hiccup would even notice if I was gone.

I make my way through the forest fast, wanting to get home as soon as possible. I hold back tears as I break through the bushes, the rough sticks scratching my legs. I ignore all the branches that hit me, I wipe furiously at my face even though no tears come out. I let out a little whimper before tears come pouring out. I break into a sprint as I see the village lights, just wanting to go to sleep. People watch as I run by, swatting at the tears that continuously poured down. I reach the front steps to see Snotlout and Tuffnut sitting there. I stand in front of them with my head down. They notice me and smile while standing up.

"Hey Y/n. So we just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out. No one was home so we just waited." Snotlout says as he comes closer. Tuffnut looks at me and his smile drops. I quickly turn away.

"Whoa! Hey what's wrong?" He asks coming closer. I just shake my head and furiously wipe away tears.

"It just really hurts when you have something good going with someone and then when it's taken away you want to be mad but you can't bring yourself to be mad because you just want them to be happy. I knew it would end up like this. I was dumb for catching feelings in the first place. We're Vikings, we aren't supposed to be all lovey dovey. I guess I'm a really bad Viking." I say before putting my head down again. I fell two pairs of arms wrap around me.

"Its okay. He's dumb for not realising everything he had in front of him was amazing." Snotlout says. I never knew he would say something like that.

"If it makes you feel better we both think you're hot." Tuffnut says. Okay that's something he would say.

"And badass." Snotlout says. And he back. I laugh and wipe away more tears.

"Thanks guys. I'm just gonna go cry my eyes out into my pillow before passing out from exhaustion." I say as I open the door.

"Sounds fun. Invite me next time you do this. I'll join you." Tuffnut says jokingly. I laugh and shake my head. Snotlout steps foward.

"So are you gonna tell us the name of the guy that did so we can crush his skull or...?" I shake my head.

"Goodnight boys." I sigh before closing the door. I quickly head up the stairs. I open my door and collapse onto the bed as a new wave of tears hits me. I grow tired after awhile, listening to the crackling of the fire from downstairs. Some time later I hear the door open, faint footsteps coming up the stairs but not stopping at the normal place. Instead they continue towards my door. I quickly snap my eyes shut as I hear a knock at the door.

"Y/n?" I hear the door open and can feel the light on my face. The footsteps draw closer until they stop right in front of me, a sigh following soon after. Hiccup pulls off my boots and takes off the holdster. He lifts me up a bit as he draws the blankets back and sets me back down before covering me up. He sighs as he wipes at the tear stains on my cheeks.

"Oh ,Y/n. I'm so confused. I'm sorry." I hear him mutter before feeling something soft press against my forehead. Hiccup had just kissed my forehead. It took everything in me not to sleep then and there. He caresses my cheek before turning and leaving, whispering words of goodnight before closing the door. I open my eyes again as a faint smile crosses my lips.

"Goodnight Hiccup"

How To Train Your Dragon (Hiccup Horrendous Haddock iii x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now