Chapter 7

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"You know, I just happened to notice the book had nothing on Night Furies. Is there another book? Or a sequel? Maybe a little Night Fury pamphlet?" Hiccup questions. It's not the best time for questions either seeing as we are currently in the middle of dragon training. The nadder shoots the axe head of the hilt of Hiccup's weapon, leaving a burning hole in the wooden maze wall behind him. I quickly run one way.

"FOCUS Hiccup! You're not even trying!" Gobber yells to the frightened teen. I roll behind another wall and straight into Astrid. She pushes me away.

"Watch it!" She yells as I land in front of her, my shield and axe clattering to my sides. She eyes me before scowling. I scoff before getting up and turning away. I feel small hands push me again. My body skids against the hard concrete. I scowl and I feel a bit of blood on my chin. She smirks before sprinting away. My knees are a bit bloodied but I'll show her I'm just as good.

Quickly I run, hearing the creaking of the walls coming closer. The nadder is near me but not coming for me.

"Today... is all about attack. Nadders are quick and light on their feet. Your job is to be quicker and lighter." I quickly press myself up against a wall, facing the opposite way of the creaking. I hear screaming and calm my breathing.

"I'm really beginning to question your teaching methods!" I hear Fishlegs yell.

"Look for its blind spot. Every dragon has one. Find it, hide in it, and strike." I quickly peak out from behind the wood to see the twins in the nadders blind spot. They begin to argue and it quickly breathes fire at them before coming at me. I quickly take off into a run. I roll behind a wall and press myself against it, trying to quiet my breathing. I can hear it's breathing before it passes me and goes for Hiccup who failed his roll. It nips at him before jumping up on a wall. It begins to follow them before spotting me. I break into a sprint as it knocks down walls. I jump up on one and watch as Astrid jumps right onto Hiccup. The nadder changes direction and goes for them. Astrid struggles to get her axe out of Hiccup's shield as I jump down. I quickly hit it in the side of the face with the flat part of the axe. It yelps and scurries off. Astrid stands up, her axe still stuck in Hiccup's shield. She glares and huffs.

"I had it covered. I didn't need your help." She snaps. I roll my eyes.

"Sure looked like it." I huff. She stomps off. I offer a hand to Hiccup who takes it with a small smile. I pull him up and we both give eachother a knowing look.

Time Skip

Hiccup and I squeeze through the opening with a shield before throwing a fish into the cove and hiding behind the shield again. Hiccup and I peak out from behind the rock and see nothing. We try to proceed foward but the shield gets stuck. I huff as Hiccup crawls below it and quickly follow. Hiccup grabs the fish and we walk around, looking for the beautiful creature. I hear a little growl and turn around seeing the big beast. It's crawls down, looking ready to pounce. It comes closer as Hiccup extends his arm out, offering the fish to him. It opens its mouth before drawing back, noticing the dagger in his belt with a growl. He reaches for it making it growl. I quickly pluck it out of his belt and show it before turning and throwing it into the spring. The dragon gets out of the pouncing position and it's pupils get bigger, making him look alot friendlier. I smile a bit as Hiccup offers the fish to him. It draws closer cautiously. It's mouth opens to reveal pointed gums.

"Huh. Toothless. I could've sworn you had-" A set of razor sharp teeth emerge from its gums to grab the fish. It snatches it, swallowing it.

"Teeth." Hiccup says meekly. The teeth retract again. It presses closer with an expectant look. We retreat nervously.

"Uh, no. No, I don't have any more." Hiccup says as it backs him into a rock. It stares him in the eyes before starting to cough. It coughs up half the fish into Hiccup's lap. I hold in a laugh as Hiccup stares at it in disgust. The dragon sits on a rock behind it in a very human like manor as Hiccup sits up against the rock, holding the regurgitated fish.

They stare at eachother before he motions at the fish with his eyes. I giggle as Hiccup realises that he wants him to eat it. He groans before taking a bite a giving him a full cheeked smile. He offers him the rest to which he does a motion toward him, making Hiccup groan. He then procedes to choke down the fish before giving it a awkward, forced smile.

I watch as the dragon starts to try and smile making Hiccup give a real smile. He reaches a hand toward him to which he hisses at and trys to fly off. He crashes on the other side. I sigh and look at Hiccup who jokingly offers me the fish.

"I'm full thank you." I say patting my stomach with a laugh.

How To Train Your Dragon (Hiccup Horrendous Haddock iii x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now