Chapter 4

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Y/n's POV
"Welcome to dragon training!"

We all walk into the dome. It's large and very grey but then again it didn't matter cause I didn't plan to spend to much time there.

I look around notice Hiccup no where in sight. I groan and shake my head.

"I hope I get some serious burns." Tuffnut says.

"I'm hoping for some mauling, like on my shoulder or lower back." Ruffnut says motioning to the said places.

"Yeah, it's only fun if you get a scar out of it." Astrid says.

"Yeah, no kidding, right? Pain. Love it." We turn and see Hiccup rolling his eyes. I hold in a laugh.

"Oh great. Who let him in?" Tuffnut groans. Gobber intervenes.

"Let's get started! The recruit who does best will win the honor of killing his first dragon in front of the entire village." He says.

"Hiccup already killed a Night Fury, so does that disqualify him or...?" Snotlout jokes making the others laugh. Gobber throws an arm round Hiccup as we begin to walk towards the center.

"Don't worry. You're small and you're weak. That'll make you less of a target. They'll see you as sick or insane and go after the more Viking-like teens instead." He says only making him feel worse. I pat his back and give him a smile to which he returns nervously.

"Behind these doors are just a few of the many species you will learn to fight." Fishlegs bounces in excitement.

"The Deadly Nadder." Gobber walks around the arena.

"Speed eight. Armor sixteen." Fishlegs says under his breath.

"The Hideous Zippleback."

"Plus eleven stealth. Times two."

"The Monstrous Nightmare."

"Firepower fifteen."

"The Terrible Terror."

"Attack eight. Venom twelve."

"CAN YOU STOP THAT!" Gobber yells making us freeze.

"And...the Gronckle."

"Jaw strength, eight." Fishlegs whispers to Hiccup and I. Gobber pulls a lever, raising the cross beam on the last of the doors.

"Whoa, wait! Aren't you gonna teach us first." Snotlout yells.

"I believe in learning on the job." The Gronckle flies out and we all scatter. I look for a some sort of cover seeing as I already had my axe.

"Today is about survival. If you get blasted, you're dead. Quick, what's the first thing you're going to need?" Gobber asks.

"A doctor?" Hiccup asks.

"Plus five speed?" Fishlegs guesses.

"A shield." I state.

"Shields. Go." We all scramble I pick it up with ease and try to stay away.

"Your most important piece of equipment is your shield. If you must make a choice between a sword or a shield, take the shield." Gobber states, helping a struggling Hiccup. I smile a bit and he blushes.

The twins fight over a shield before getting blasted.

"Tuffnut, Ruffnut, you're out!" We all gather at the far side of the ring with weapon of choice and shield.

"Those shields are good for another thing. Noise. Make lots of it to throw off a dragon's aim." I quickly begin to bang my axe on the shield. It begins to wobble abit and be a bit put of it.

"All dragons have a limited number of shots. How many does a Gronckle have?"

"Five!" Snotlout yells confidently.

"No six." Fishlegs corrects.

"Correct, six. That's one for each of you! Well seeing as the twins kind of shared one." Fishlegs smiles but soon has his shield shot out of his hands.

"Fishlegs, out." The Gronckle shoots at me and I roll out of the way. I stand up near Snotlout who sends me a wink.

"So anyway I'm moving into my parents' basement. You should come by sometime to work out. You look like you work out--" I jump out of the way and Snotlout is out. Astrid, Hiccup, and I are the final three.

"So, I guess it's just us huh?" Hiccup awkwardly laughs.

"No. Just you." Astrid says before rolling away. A second later the Gronckle hits both Hiccup and I. Our shields are knocked out of our hands and the Gronckle charges. We both go running. I slid and scoop my shield back up as the Gronkle pins Hiccup. I run as it opens its mouth and slam into the side of its head with my shield. The lava hits to the side of us and the Gronckle turns on me, trying to bite as it pins me down. I shove my shield in its mouth and kick it before rolling out from beneath it. Hiccup helps me up and Gobber pulls it back to its cage.

"Go back to bed, ya overgrown sausage! You'll get another chance, don't you worry." Gobber yells closing  the pen. He turns to us.

"Remember... a dragon will always, always go for the kill." He says giving Hiccup a stern look. We all are tired after this. Gobber pats my back making me lurch abit.

"Good performance today. I knew you had it in ya!" He says with a big smile. I give him an award smile and chuckle back. Astrid glares at me before turning away. Great.

"You okay Hiccup?" He turns to me and gives me a small smile.

"Yeah I'm fine. There's something he said that just left me a little puzzled. You up to back to Ravens Point?" I smile and nod before grabbing his hand and pulling him out of the ring.

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