Chapter 17

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Hiccup's POV

I stand in front of the Monstrous Nightmare's pen, staring before looking back to the teens that were with us during dragon training.

"If you're planning on getting eaten, I'd definitely go with the Gronckle." Fishlegs says with his arms crossed. Tuffnut quickly comes foward.

"You were wise to seek help from the world's most deadly weapon." He says getting in my face.


"It's me."He finished before getting pushed out of the way by Snotlout.

"I love this plan." He says. I get a bit confused.

"I didn't..." Ruffnut quickly punches Snotlout out of the way.

"You're crazy. I like that." She says in a sultry voice as she leans in. Astrid grabs her by the helmet and pulls her away.

"So? What is the plan?" Astrid says with a cheery smile. I look at everyone and a smile grows on my face. I sudden flapping of wings interupts us.

"Have you told them yet?" I look up to see Y/n on a Monstrous Nightmare. The others cheer as they see her making us laugh. She jumps off the creature and turns to it, telling it to stay. It gives her a gentle nod before laying down. She quickly enters the hole in the bars, jumping down join us.

"Who's ready to fly?" She yells. They stare at her like she's crazy before getting excited and yelling.

"Line up! It's time you tame these beasts." Y/n smiles with hand on her hips.

Y/n's POV

I grab Hiccups hand and pull him to the Nightmares enclosure. We quickly open it before slowly bringing it out. Hiccup holds his hand to its snout while I walk beside it, smirking at the trembling Snotlout before us. He moves away. I grab his arm and pull it slowly towards the snout.

"Wait! What are you-"

"Relax. It's okay... it's okay." Hiccup reassures him. Slowly I guide his hand back to the dragon, resting it softly on its snout. His face changes into a smile as he realises it's okay. He laughs as Hiccup walks away.

"Where are you going?" He yells.

"Your going to need something to help you hold on." Hiccup says holding up some rope. Oh yeah. As they are turned I guide out the other dragons. When they turn around their eyes go wide. Quickly we match dragons to each teen.

"Okay guys, take to the sky's!" I yell and we quickly fly away from berk. When we get to the island the dragon is out and attacking Stoick and Gobber. It rises up and we take the time to attack. Hiccup holds on behind me.

"Ruff, Tuff, watch your backs! Move Fishlegs!" Hiccup commands.

"Look at us, we're on a dragon! We're on dragons, all of us!" Tuffnut yells.

"Up, let's move it!" The dragons climb past the beast. We circle above it's head.

"Fishlegs, break it down." I say. He nods and gets to it.

"Okay. Heavily armored skull and tail made for bashing and crushing. Steer clear of both. Small eyes, large nostrils. Relies on hearing and smell." Fishlegs reports.

"Okay. Lout, Legs, hang in its blind spot. Make some noise, keep it confused. Ruff, Tuff, find out if it has a shot limit. Make it mad." Hiccup says.

"That's my specialty." Ruffnut says with a laugh.

"Since when? Everyone knows I'm more irritating. See." Tuffnut turns upside down and starts making these annoying sounds.

"Just do what I told you. I'll be back as soon as I can." We quickly fly to the burn ships, looking across for Toothless.

"There!" He yells and I quickly guide the dragon to the ship. He jumps onto it.

"Be careful. I'm going to go help the others. It doesn't have a blind spot so I'm going to make one." I say before flying off. I see Snotlout and Fishlegs banging on their shields, it's affecting it but not as much as it affects their own dragons. Snotlout is thrown onto the dragon while Fishlegs crashes. Astrid yells out to Snotlout who is now hitting it's eyes. He becomes distracted and quickly falls, barley grasping onto one of its many horns. I quickly jump onto the beast. Grabbing onto one of the many bumps on its head before grabbing my dagger out of the holster. I stab into one of its eyes and pull it out going for the next. It roars in pain as I clear it's left side. I quickly slide to the right and make quick work of those as it trys to throw me off. One finished I call for my dragon.

"Razorwing! Come here bud!" He quickly comes and I jump onto his back. We circle and try to rile it up more. It works but backfires in the end. As I fly next to its face, we get to close. It quickly snaps it's jaws at us and I don't react fast enough. I scream as I watch my dragons neck snap before it launches us away. As we both go hurtling towards the ground, everything seems to go in slow motion. I can hear people yelling as tears escape my eyes. I'm sorry Razorwing, I'm sorry Toothless, I'm sorry Hiccup. The ground comes closer and then every thing goes black.

Stoick's POV (I know shocking)

"Hiccup. I'm sorry...for everything." I say grabbing his arm. He nods.

" too." He says.

"You don't have to go up there."I tell him, I can't lose him too. He smiles

"We're Vikings. It's an occupational hazard." I place my other hand on his arm.

"I'm proud to call you my son." I say before letting go and stepping back.

"Thanks dad." In the distance I see two things fall. I quit my eyes and lean foward, confusing Hiccup. They hit the ground and that's when I realise it was Y/n.

"No." I whisper as their forms lay unmoving. Hiccup turns not really registering what has happened until Astrid's voice rang out.

"Y/n's down! Be cautious!" My eyes tear up as Hiccup's face falls. He mutters something under his breath before taking to the skies.

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