Chapter 6

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Thanks to the one person reading this book. I know it's not a good book but I didn't expect it to fail this badly. I'll continue to upload because I truly love writing this book even if no more than 2 people reading. Thank you to those people.

Hiccup and I climb up the steps of the house and quickly file in. The storm had pelted down on us and drenched us completely on the way back yet again. I collapse down in front of the fire in the center of the room, peeling off the soaking clothing. I was left in my bandages that i always wear underneath my clothes and some short fabric shorts I had underneath the skirt, which had taken the most damage. I lay there happily, basking in the warmth. I look over to see a wide eyed, blushing Hiccup. I laugh and sit up, patting the spot beside me. He comes and sits next to me after taking his wet clothing off, leaving on his pants. For awhile we just sit there, staring into the fire while enjoying the comfortable silence.

"How's that healing up?" He asks out of no where. I look at the scabbed over claw marks on my side and shrug.

"Its a bit sore but over all it's healing pretty nice." I say with a sigh. I look at him. He's scrawny but still has a bit of muscle from lifting and repairing weapons during raids. I turn my head back to the fire.

"Don't let what they say discourage you. I believe you'll make a wonderful Viking, even if you don't kill dragons. You'll never be a failure in my eyes." I smile. I can feel his stare on me.

"You think so?" He asks. I turn and stare him in the eyes with a confident smile.

"I know so." I state before looking back at the fire.

"I know you'll make a great Viking too. You actually have the ability to kill a dragon if you want to but you don't.  Why is that?" He asks. My smile drops and I know he feels a bit bad now.

"I-I'm sorry. You don't have to tell me." He says. I shake my head with a sigh.

"No. It's time that I tell you. You see, a few weeks before I came to live with you there was a really big raid. My father joined in and for some reason I snuck out and watched. I hated seeing them killed because I always thought they were beautiful creatures and I still do but that's the way that my father did it, right then and there. Well he was a but overwhelmed and I watched as a monstrous nightmare killed him. I ran out and grabbed his sword before swinging at it. I regreted immediately. I realised that killing it wouldn't bring my father back and I wouldn't be any better than it. When my mother died it made me think of if I had killed it. Would it had left a family behind? Since then I could never bring myself to kill a dragon. Harm one? To an extent and in certain situations like today. In a way I envy them. They can fly away, be free, they don't have people with expectations following them around reminding them that they are just one big failure. Like Snotlout used to always push me around and laugh at me but today when I start doing better than him, I'm all of a sudden worthy. I just want to hop on a dragon and fly away from here." I sigh. I feel Hiccup scoot closer to me. He throws his arm over me and pulls me closer, letting me rest my head on his shoulder.

"I know what you mean. It would be nice for people to like me but when they are just fake it's annoying." He sighs. I turn and look at him, are noses touching. I laugh a bit before glancing at his lips.

"At least we know that we have eachother." I whisper. My eyes close as his do the same. He goes to close the distance when someone goes knocking at the door. I pull away and huff. I quickly head for the door and throw it open, the storm has stop but I can still feel a cold gust of wind. There stand Tuffnut and Snotlout. I sigh.

"What do you want?" I ask, crossing my arms. Tuffnut eyes me up and down while Snotlout talks.

"All of us from dragon training are hanging out in my basement. Wanna come?" He says before doing the same as Tuffnut. I roll my eyes.

"Can Hiccup come?" I ask fiddling with my semi dry braid. Tuffnut steps foward.

"Of course.... not." He says. I roll my eyes again and put my hands on my hips.

"Sorry guys but no thanks." I say moving to close the door when they notice Hiccup.

"Whoa wait what were you guys doing?" Snotlout asks making Hiccup look up. Tuffnut's jaw drops.

"Don't tell me you were-"

"Goodnight." I say slamming the door in their faces. I smirk as I lean against the door.

"And good riddance." I laugh. Hiccup awkwardly laughs. I yawn and stretch.

"I'm just gonna head upstairs. I need some sleep." I say before heading up. I watch out of my peripherals as Hiccup' s eyes stay glued to me. I turn and face him when I get to my door, making him look away.

"Just knock if you need anything." I smirk before heading inside my room. I plop down on my bed with a sigh.

"Please, please, pleeeeease let Hiccup get over Astrid."I beg before rolling over with a sigh and falling into a deep sleep.

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