Chapter 12 - Training days

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Deya had no idea how long she's been zoned out, but when she finally snapped out of it, she reached for the coconut shower gel, desperately trying to wash off Max's touch. He was right. There was no torture that could possibly make her feel the way she felt right now.

Dirty. Used. Betrayed by her own body.

But most importantly, she felt guilty for breaking the no-pleasure-rule once again. It was as if he beat her in her own game. He found a loophole. The things he did certainly made her suffer, yet, it was in a way that went against all her principles.

After half an hour of self-chastisement, Deya scurried to the bedroom and fished out some pajamas from the wardrobe. It has been less than three days since she was taken, yet, the numerous events made it seem like years. She was exhausted to death.

Taking a pillow from the bed, she dumped it on the floor before laying down. Her body was trembling from cold, however, she was able to sustain her determination long enough to drift asleep.

. . .

"Honey, you know she doesn't mean those things.." Deya's father tried to comfort her after one of her mother's outbursts.

"But she does!" She couldn't stop the tears from rolling down her cheeks. "That's what makes them so hurtful"

Her father pulled her into a hug, but she wriggled out of it. It's been three months since her mother decided to make her life hell and she felt unable to cope with it anymore.

"Why don't you hate me?" Her voice was weak, but it revealed a lot of sincerity. Nonetheless, she didn't get her answer as the doors of the office burst open and her mother entered wearing furious expression.

"Get the hell away from my husband!" She was mercilessly starring daggers at the girl who was now crying even harder.

"Or do you want to take him away from me too?" The question hit Deya hard. Is this the way her own mother sees her? A walking death sentence?

"Enough with that, Denise" her father tried to intervene. "Don't you think she suffered enough? She's you're child, for christ sake."

His normally calm demeanor was gone as he defended his daughter, but the words fell on deaf ears.

"I no longer have children, honey" her voice was cold again as she looked from her husband back to the girl. "She made sure of that"

. . .

When the girl woke up, she realised there's someone calling her name. At first, it seemed to be a part of her nightmare, however, the voice only amplified once as she slowly regained her consciousness.

Opening her eyes, she could see Patrick's huge body crouching next to her, and it made her doubt whether she's actually woken up.

"Did you fell off of the bed?" He asked in confusion and she took around her surroundings. Not feeling like explaining she didn't sleep there in the first place, she just nodded lightly and got to her feet with grunts.

Fortunately, he kept quiet and didn't probe further. It's good Max has sent the silent one. Deya couldn't help but think as she picked the pillow up from the floor and threw it back on the bed.

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