Chapter 14 - Day 15, Aftermath

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"I-I'm sorry," the leader of the men stuttered in panic. "We had no idea."

But the rage in Max's face did not relent.

"I'll tell you what," he seethed through gritted teeth. "Today, we're walking out of here with both, the package AND our suitcase. Consider it a gift."

At this point, the leader was just nodding frantically.

"Then maybe, just maybe.. I'll consider sparing your worthless lives and continuing our business." Max shouted maliciously, before adding with a smirk: "Under revised terms, of course."

No more words were exchanged as he grabbed the black sports bag and suitcase in one hand, the other using to press the girl into his side as they walked out.

She was so shocked from all that happened inside, that she didn't even hear him whisper into her ear: "You've done a good job, baby girl"

When they reached the car, he pulled out the first aid box and cleaned the small cuts on her face. The whole time, she was just sitting there silently with a vacant stare ahead.

"You need to drive back." Max announced once he fixed her up.

This seemed to bring the girl into reality. Was he serious? After all that happened?

"It's for a reason, baby girl." He explained as if reading her mind. But she didn't enquire about those reasons. It was unlikely he would explain himself, and even if, she was too tired to actually listen to them.

. . .

The ride back was as silent as the previous one, making it hard for Deya to keep her eyes open. However, when they were about halfway there, she saw something that made her fully alert in an instant.

"A police car" she breathed out as she glanced into the rear mirror, making Max jump in his seat.

"Fuck" he murmured as he confirmed she was telling the truth.

There were no other cars on the road, and a tension filled the car as they realised what it meant. They're getting pulled over no matter what.

"Ok," Max tried to keep his calm. "when they pull you over, act normal. I don't care--"

But he didn't get to finish the sentence as the cop signalled them to stop. Once they did, Deya couldn't keep her hands from shaking.

The officer was relatively young and he smiled at her pleasantly as he asked for driving licence, MOT certificate, and insurance. His demeanor did not change even when she admitted she doesn't have her licence at the moment. In reality, she didn't have it since she cut it into pieces after the accident.

Checking over the remaining documents, he just urged her to bring the licence to a police station in one week to avoid a fine. Flashing her another smile, the officer left to confirm the information through the transceiver in his car, and Deya couldn't help but let out a relieved breath.

That is, until Max's words alarmed her again. "Drive"

She blinked her eyes in surprise. He didn't just ask me to..?

"I.Said.Drive." He repeated again, his voice full of venom.

But the girl seemed unable to move. "W-Why?" her eyes glanced into the rear view mirror shortly. "Everything's going fine."

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