Chapter 49 - Listen, little girl

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There was a squeak of the door again and Samael's head popped in, seemingly undisturbed by the sight as he slowly walked over to the broken girl, scooped her up and didn't release until they arrived to her bathroom.

Without a word, he slipped the dress over her head, and softly pushed her to get in the shower leaving the underwear on. The girl didn't fight him, too exhausted to care, so he proceeded to wash the blood off, careful to avoid anything that could classify as inappropriate touching.

She had no idea why he's doing it. Perhaps Celadon asked him to? But as he wrapped her in a soft towel and tucked in the bed, she was grateful for the company.

That's why, as he stood up to leave, she forced her dry lips open. "Please, don't go"

The man seemed to contemplate it for a second before giving a firm nod and sitting down at her side.

His fingers instinctively started to play with the wet strands of her raven hair, and the girl found it comforting in a strange way.

"It's always hard seeing the first murder" He shot out of nowhere, earning himself a quizzical look.

"What makes you think it was my first?" Samael scanned her face as if seeing it for the first time, unsure how to reply to the revelation.

But it was fine. She didn't expect him to.

"Just tell me one thing.." Her head rested on his giant thigh, and she let her eyelids fall. "Can I trust your boss?"

When he didn't reply, she opened her eyes again and murmured. "Can I trust him when he says he won't harm my father?"

The giant gave a firm nod, and she allowed herself to relax, not even realising she was cuddling with his hand as she drifted asleep.

This was all Deya needed to hear before she lets Victoria take over.

. . .

Beep... Beep... Beep...

Hunter woke up to the regular sounds of hospital machines, frantically looking around till his shaky vision settled on the dark figure in the corner of the room.

"You got some explaining to do" A husky voice echoed, and the man tried to make his limbs move without any effect.

For a second, the beeping of machines intensified as he panicked at the thought of being paralyzed. Fortunately for him, eventually he recognized the leather restraints as the culprit.

"Who the fuck are you?" He questioned while looking around for a button to call assistance. It was right next to his right hand, and he painfully stretched his fingers to reach for it. Nonetheless, right as he was about to push it, a hand appeared out of nowhere and took the device away.

"Are you so out of it you don't recognize your own father?" Oliver's sharp eyes bored into him with suspicion, but all he found was confusion and disorientation in the young man's face.

"My.. father" He repeated slowly as if trying to convince himself it's true before looking up again."What happened to me... father?"

The old man's eyebrow twitched in irritation. "That's what we're trying to figure out"

He never wanted Hunter involved with the Bulldogs in the first place, but what could he do? No parent is immune to the pleads of his child, and when he promised to start his official training to become the heir, the deal was sealed. In 25 years, his son has never shown even a hint of interest in the gang life, and although it pained Oliver deeply, he promised his mother to respect his choice in the matter.

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