Matt - Breakfast Shenanigans

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While Edd was busy making bacon I decided to wake up our other friends. But when I got to their door I honestly expected snoring or arguing. Instead of that, what I heard was... sobbing. Were they crying? Why were they crying? I hesitantly knocked on the door. I wasn't sure if I should really interrupt this, but I'd much rather be yelled at than deal with an emotional mess. The crying stopped almost immediately. "W-who's there?"

"Uh... It's me. Matt. Can I... can I come in?" I asked. I wondered if I should pretend I never heard anything. They'd probably kill me if they thought I had witnessed their moment of weakness. I heard a few whispers, but nobody answered my question. Maybe I should just go tell Edd about it. Or I could go in there myself if they didn't bother replying. Silence wasn't a 'no', was it?

I opened the door slowly, careful in case they decided to throw anything my way. Torm was sitting next to the bed, their arms wrapped around themselves ad they stared at the ground. "Tom? Tord?" I got closer, still keeping a distance between them and me. "Are you... okay?" Now that both of them were here again my memories had actually started to get better. I even remembered their actual names for once!

The fusion slowly raised their head. Their eyes were empty as they looked at me. "We fused. Is that really a question we need to answer? I just want to be a single person, Matt. Nothing is okay. Nothing, you hear me?"

"We had a nightmare," Tom answered after a moment of silence.

"I told you we wouldn't tell them!" Tord shouted.

"Since when do I do what you tell me, commie?" Tom asked.

Please don't fight, please don't fight, I thought. But still, there was something about the way they argued that was off. They seemed so tired. So... hopeless. Their arguing seemed more half-hearted than the usual bickering. "D-do you want to talk about it?"

"No," Tom replied.

"Tom already told you we had a nightmare, so you and Edd will ask us about it anyway until we'll answer you. I guess we have to tell you now."

"Tord! We can't-"

"Hey, you were the one who had to tell Matt about it. Good job on that one, Tom."

"I don't want Edd to be worried," Tom mumbled. "He's already stressed..."

"Yesterday you didn't care."

"I-I can keep a secret," I said. "I won't tell Edd, I promise!" The fusion gave me a doubtful look, seemingly considering it but still somewhat opposed to it.

"I am not sure if I can trust you with that."

"Matt is a bad liar. He accidentally set my hentai on fire once and said it was Ringo. He's going to fail and it will be cringeworthy." The fusion rolled their eyes.

"This has nothing to do with keeping a secret!" I shouted. "That was self-protection and you know it!"

"Alright, we'll tell you. But if you even think about telling Edd your stuff will get destroyed, set on fire, and hidden around the entire world."

I gasped at the threats but nodded anyway. I could do this. "O-okay, I promise."

Torm sighed, leaning their head against the bed. "Okay, where do I start?" Tord asked.

"You won't start, I'll begin telling my dream. At first, I was with you and Edd. I remembered being fused with Tord, but I was told it was just a stupid dream. So I decided to go outside, but suddenly I got possessed. My body had a will of its own. It went to this hill and up there... was Tord..."

"I... was with a few... friends of mine. Something that I remember happening before I came here happened again, then it was the same with me like with the Jehovah's witness. My body was taken over. I also walked up that hill, and there was Tom."

"Both of us remembered being fused and suddenly-"

"-we fused again." I stared at them, unsure what to say. Was it only me or did it seem like their dreams... collided? Was that normal?

"Stop this!"

"What?" Tord asked.

"Finishing my sentences! That's so weird! Ugh..."

"Um, Torm, are you hungry? Edd is making bacon and I'm sure he'll just eat it all if you don't go there now," I quickly said to distract them from their fight.

"What?! Noo!"

I grabbed the fusion's left arm and helped them up. When they were finally standing, although their legs were shaking, I noticed that Edd was right: Together they were a bit taller than me. Interesting.

I had to help them walk to the kitchen by holding their arm the whole way. They almost fell over a dozen times, cursing at each other at every mistake that was made.

"Oh, hi Torm! I made bacon for breakfast!" Edd chirped when we finally entered the kitchen. I helped them get to a chair for them to sit down on. Even though they had barely walked, they seemed at least somewhat proud of themselves.

"Edd, you can call us like that in public, but we are still two guys, not one," Tom growled.

"Sorry Tom, I just need to get used to this... situation," he chuckled, rubbing his neck.

"Whatever. Thank you for making breakfast for me by the way. I haven't eaten bacon in two weeks."

"Who said they are only for you? I love bacon, too, you know," Edd snarled, glaring at the fusion as he pulled the plate of bacon to his side of the table. Oh no, they wouldn't fight over bacon again, would they? It was bad enough when Tom and Tord fought, but Tord and Edd...

"Aaand, how are we going to eat? Tord is gonna start a fight anyway and you will end up trying to stop us."

"Hey, I won't start fighting! You are the one who always starts our fights!" Tord protested.

"We could feed you," I suggested.

"What?" two voices yelled at the same time.

"Oh, brilliant idea, Matt! That way they can't start a fight for no reason again." That wasn't the only reason Edd liked that idea. Anyone could see that. He loved bacon almost as much as cola which meant he would fight and even kill for it. While Tom and Tord were fused he could eat bacon as much bacon ad he could get his hands on without fighting all that much with Tord.

"No way, I am not going to allow that," Tom hissed, crossing his arms.

"Maybe you can carry me, but feeding... No. That goes too far," Tord responded, glaring at us.

"Then you'll have to try having breakfast without any fighting," Edd said with a shrug. "No way that's gonna work. You two are just at each other's throats at all times. You might as well ask two clowns not to make a joke of themselves."

The fusion gave him a death glare and grabbed a fork and a knife to eat. But what they did next looked almost comical. The fusion's left arm tried to grab bacon on the right side while the other arm attempted to cut off a bit of butter on their left. "Okay, how can I-"

"What the hell are you doing? I want to eat bacon!" Tord whined. Then Tom did the logical thing and tried to stab his other hand with the knife.

"Tom! Tord!" Edd screamed, jumping up and grabbing their arm before they could hurt themselves. I quickly took away the knife and after a moment of consideration, the fork was gone as well.

"Maybe we really need to feed you as long as you don't get that you have to survive like this without fighting like savages."

"It's not my fault, it's his!!" they hissed and used both hands to point at themself. How could Edd have any hope left that they'd ever get along?

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