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     eddie has always been the quiet one of the losers. he kept to himself and did his work, but was a crucial part of the friend group. eddie was closets with richie, he felt like richie almost balanced things out, eddie was the shy, more feminine side of the friendship, while richie was the more adventurous and masculine side.
     richie struggles a lot at home. both of his parents are severe alcoholics, and rather not bother him, which might explain richie a lot. he uses humor to cope, along with many hours of music and a whole carton of cigarettes.
     eddie didn't struggle as much, but there were still some things that affected him and shaped him, much like richie. eddie's mother was very controlling and manipulative, and eddie was too terrified to ever defend himself, so every time his mother would lash out on him, he would take it to heart. he did what his mother said, always thought what his mother might think if he found himself in a questionable situation with the losers. he didn't control his life, his mother did, but he was to gullible and vulnerable to realize it.

     "eddie bear, it's time to get up for school, don't forget to take your meds and brush your teeth." spoke his malicious mother in such a sweet cunning voice. eddie's eyes fluttered open and the morning sun shone directly in them, causing the fragile boy to groan and cover his eyes. he rubbed his eyes to relive some exhaustion from himself, and sat up to begin his day. he threw his thin pale legs over the side of his bed and looked over his familiar surroundings. eddie stood up and went over to his desk where his many prescriptions awaited him. "one...two...three...four..." eddie whispered to himself as he took one pill from each bottle, and washed them down with a glass of water that he kept on his desk for this specific reason. the small boy grabbed the folded stack of clothes that he had set out the night before on his desk, and headed into the bathroom.

richie woke up frantically from a nightmare covered in cold sweat. he gripped his sheets in panic and shot a look over to his alarm clock which read a nerve racking time of 8:30 am. "fuck fuck fuck" richie said to himself as he scurried out of his bed and ran to gather his things and get ready. he ripped open his dresser drawers and prepared to grab the first thing he saw, but...there was nothing there. he opened the rest of the drawers and found not a single article of clothing. he turned around and saw that all of his clothing has been scattered across his room. how did it get there? who knows... but all richie knew is that he had a lot of laundry to do later, and very little time to get ready. he picked up a maroon sweatshirt, a pair of ripped black jeans, and of course some sock and boxers. richie bolted into his bathroom and tried his hardest to multitask while trying not to wake his devilish parents.

eddie stood at the end of his driveway waiting for the rickety bus that could be heard from a mile away. the boy glimpsed down at his watch which read 8:30 am. the bus driver was not the greatest at his job, but one thing he did know, was how to show up on time. every morning at 8:32 the bus pulled up to pick up eddie, and he loved that.

"shit shit shit." richie mumbled to himself as he ran out of the bathroom and down the stairs of his rickety home. he jumped the last few steps and realized that he had to stay quiet. he quietly rushed into the living room in search for his book bag, and spotted it on the coffee table. the lanky boy tip toed over trying his best not to wake his parents who soundly slept on the couches after a long night of drinking. he slowly grasped the strap of his bag and slid it off the wooden table. richie slipped on his bag and rushed out of the living room and through the front door, just in time to catch the bus.

"morning eds." richie greeted to his close friend as he sat beside him. "please stop calling me that.." eddie remarked in an annoyed tone. richie noticed the tired and...gloomy look on eddie's pale face as he started intently out of the bus window, which needed cleaning. "why such the long face?" richie wondered, leaning forward a bit to get a better view of his friend. "im just tired today." eddie replied, keeping his focus out the bus window. "you're never tired eddie." richie pointed out, quickly figuring out something else was bothering eddie. "really richie, im just tired, I stayed up late doing my homework."
richie decided not to probe his friend any further and go back to what he had been doing previously...nothing.

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