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"....I-" richie mustered. a loud car came roaring up beside the two, and both of the boys knew exactly who it was...henry bowers. eddie discarded his treat and grabbed richie's wrist and ran into the alley beside them. eddie frantically searched around for a place to hide on the verge of an asthma attack. "over here." richie whisper-yelled as he drug eddie over to an open door. he drug eddie into the small dark room and shut the door behind him, holding it closed from the inside. eddie trembled and tried his best to stay quiet, even though he was on the verge of passing out again. the two boys listened closely to the roaring of the engine, and hoped it would dissipate, meaning they would've left.
the boys waited many minutes, and heard the bowers gang ruffle around in the trash of alley, and call their names. they joked around some more and soon found that the two boys were no where to be found, and eventually left to eddie's and richie's relief. the two waited a moment more and then exited the dark room they waited in. richie peaked back into the room, allowing some sun light to peak in so he could depict what the room was. richie saw many dusty boxes, and just assumed it was some sort of storage room.
"richie, I'm going to have a fucking asthma attack, I'm so scared, what if they find us again?!" eddie panicked as shaky breaths left his mouth. "eds calm down, it's okay now, they're gone." richie soothed wrapping eddie up and a warm hug. richie could feel eddie tremble under his touch, and held him closer to him, whispering sweet nothings to him.

"richie wake up, today is the day!" eddie whispered to richie excitedly. richie groaned and rolled over facing away from eddie. eddie wrapped his arms around richie's torso and pulled him closer to himself. "richie come on wake up." eddie added shaking richie's shoulder. richie groaned and rolled over to face eddie's big smile. "you really are something spaghetti." richie mumbled, barley awake. richie tucked a curl behind eddie's ear, and watched as his cheeks turned a light shade of pink.

richie decided to drive the two to school in his parents car since they both had off today. surprisingly, richie was a very safe driver, and was always on alert, even if he was driving two minutes down the road. eddie couldn't sit still, he was overwhelmingly excited for the dance that evening, and just couldn't contain himself. "eds, calm down before you have a fucking coronary." richie teased as he pulled into the school parking lot. eddie hopped out and spotted bev from across the way. he took off running toward her and fought up to her, grabbing her arm. "jesus christ eddie, are you okay?" bev asked as she noticed how out of breath he was, "I'm more than okay, and I need your help." eddie informed gaining his breath. "okay, what do you need?" bev asked, scared for what was in store.

eddie hugged richie goodbye before he got into bev's car. eddie needed bev to make eddie look his absolute best for richie that evening, so he dedicated the whole day to it. he wanted to go buy a tuxedo, a cheap one from the thrift store or something, and wanted bev to do his nails and hair. eddie was so excited to get pampered, and was especially excited for the evening.
bev pulled up to the thrift store and they both bolted into the store. eddie picked out a few suits, and put on a mini fashion show for bev, and they both settled on a simple black suit with a black bow tie.
      next was pampering, eddie's favorite part. eddie and bev decided to paint their nails a nice dark gray since bev was wearing a gray dress to the dance. eddie loved every color he painted on his nails, and loved to experiment with new ones all the time. after the two were done with their nails, they sat and talked as they waited for their nails to dry. next was hair, and eddie decided not to do something too wild, since he enjoyed the way his hair flowed most of the time. he combed it into place and was simply satisfied with it like that. he looked over to bev, and sort of felt bad for her since she had to go through so many steps to get her hair the way she wanted it. "who are you trying to impress? you never do your hair for dances." eddie noticed, since bev usually just puts her hair up in a bun for dances and wore a dress. "im trying to impress bill." bev stated flatly as she straightened sections of her hair. "I knew it." eddie teased as he continued to fix his hair a bit more. "can I let you in on a little secret bev?" eddie asked, obviously getting bev's attention. "please do..." "bill is head over heels for you. don't tell him I told you!" eddie informed, brightening up bev's day just a bit more.

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