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the losers sat in the library of their school, studying their hardest for midterms. the only thing that kept them from doing so successful, was the ruckus caused by the other hundred people studying too. "it's too loud in here." eddie complained shutting his notebooks and gathering his pencils. "where are you going?" richie wondered, pulling his focus away from his work. "im going to mr.thomas's room, it's always quiet in there during study hall." eddie informed getting up from his spot at the table. richie gently grabbed eddie's arm forcing him to stay a moment longer, "come one eds, just stay and try for like..five minutes." richie pleaded, hoping his friend would stay and accompany him. "richie why don't you just come with me, I mean the rest of you can't come because he only allows two in room at a time, but still..." eddie suggest, hoping he didn't make the others feel left out. richie let go of eddie's arm and thought about it for a moment. no one else seemed to be bothered by it, in fact they weren't even paying attention to the interaction between the two boys. "I guess i'll go with you then."
richie gathered his items and quietly walked out of the full library with eddie. they started walking down the hallway to mr.thomas's class in silence, since they didn't want a teacher to come out of their room and yell at them for not being quiet. the boys were preparing themselves to go into the classroom, when richie and eddie spotted bowers and his gang. eddie and richie bolted for the door to the classroom, but neither one was close enough. both of the thin boys were pinned up against lockers by bowers' muscular slaves. "where are you two fags off to?" bowers taunted, making richie's blood boil. "we're not fags you asshole!" richie retorted as he tried to squirm out of the strong grip that held him against the locker. "oh really? well it's not like your ripped skinny jeans gave it away, or your boyfriend's peach sweater." henry added infuriating richie more and more with every word.
eddie, in the contrary, was scared for his life, bowers and his gang had always tormented him, always threatened him and called his names, but not once did they ever lay a hand on him. eddie didn't want to speak or move, he didn't want to be in deeper shit than he already was. but he wanted to be out of this situation so badly, he hoped richie would figure something out, or do something soon, but he didn't want to jeopardize Richie's safety.
"what do you want bowers? i'll give you anything, just please let us go!" eddie cried. despite the fact that he didn't want to say anything, richie's squirming and name calling wasn't getting them to far. "oh I don't want just something from you, I want something from both of you..." henry responder mischievously, alarming eddie. "I want you two to-"
"what the hell is going on here?!" a deep voice spoke, startling everyone. everyone's attention snapped over toward the sound of the voice...and there stood mr.thomas. the two boys that held richie and eddie up against the lockers, immediately dropped the frail boys and dashed down the hallway, henry following close behind them. "are you two okay?" asked mr.thomas, as he knelt down to eddie's and richie's level. The boys each confirmed that they were fine and thanked the teacher for his kind deed. "hey uh, eds and I were wondering if we could study in your classroom since the library is full and starting to get noisy." richie explained, hoping he could finally get some studying done. "well of course boys, come in." greeted the teacher as he opened the door for the two to enter. "you seriously need to stop calling me that..." eddie commented, once again, very annoyed.
the duo sat at the table in the back of the class, so they wouldn't disturb the teacher too much. since eddie was always prepared and kept to his school work, he had flash cards for each subject. eddie proudly pulled them out of his book bag and spread them across the table in front of richie. "this is why you're my favorite." richie complimented and pinched eddies soft freckled check. eddie smacked away the boy's hand and instructed him to chose a deck so they could begin their journey.
"do you wanna come over after school and study with me?" eddie asked richie, as they exited mr.thomas's peaceful room. "gladly spaghetti." richie confirmed, wrapping his long arm around his frail friends shoulders. "just call me eddie, all the nicknames really piss me off." eddie requested with frustration. "why? everyone calls you eddie, why can't I show my appreciation and close friendship by giving you a nickname? Is that too much to ask?" richie ranted dramatically. "you're an idiot.." eddie mumbled as the friends made their way to their next class.

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