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     eddie finished his journal entry and saw that it was starting to get dark. he gathered his things to get a shower and made his was into the bathroom. he turned on the hot water and instead of transitioning it over to a shower, he closed the drain and filled the bathtub. he put some of the body wash in the tub so it become a bubble bath, and he could really relax. he brushed his teeth and as the tub filled up and eventually undressed himself and slipped in. the hot water washed over his body, and eddie felt ten times more relaxed. he took a deep breath and sunk more into the tub, clearing his mind.

     eddies fingers started to prune up, and all of the bubbles had popped, so he figured it was time to hop out of the bath. He dried off and wrapped the towel around his waist, and walked over to the mirror. since eddie had really bad acne in middle school, he had to go to the doctor, and they prescribed him with this special lotion he had to put on his face. he hated it so much, it was thick and chunky almost, and eddie thought it smelled absolutely revolting. he put some of it on his freshly cleaned hands and spread it all over his face. he opened back up the medicine cabinet to put it away...when he spotted his moms makeup. he sometimes watched his mother put on make up before they left their home to go grocery shopping, or left in general. she had quite the collection, consisting of many red lip sticks, and many mascaras. eddie put the lotion on its shelf, and grabbed a dark red lipstick from the collection. he shut the cabinet and looked at it for a moment, he opened the cap and twisted the bottom so more lipstick would be revealed. he looked at how dark and...seductive it was. this was his mother's go-to color, if she didn't like the way the other ones looked on her. he took the lip stick and swiped it across the back of his hand, just to see what it looked like on his pale skin. he examined it for a while...and loved it. he thought it complimented the porcelain white color of his skin very much. he held his over his mouth, just to see what it would look like if he put it on. it was kind of like when he would use his fingers to cover his eyebrows when he was younger, just to see what he would look like with no eyebrows. he started to like the way the red looked, and wanted to put it on his lips. he swiped a little bit of it on his bottom lip, and pressed them together to spread a thin layer on all over his lips. eddie stared intently at his lips through the mirror, and loved the way the color looked on him. he kissed the back of his hand, and a faint kiss print showed up. he giggled and imagined what the kiss print would look like on richie's cheek.
     "eddie bear, are you okay? you've been in there for quite sometime." his mother called from the other side of the door. eddie panicked and quickly shoved the lipstick back into the cabinet, but when he did this, two other lipsticks fell out, and he quickly tried to shove those ones back in. "eddie what is going on in there?" his mother quizzed shaking the door knob, only to find it locked. "im fine mommy!" eddie finally responded, situating the makeup and shutting the cabinet. "eddie unlock this door right now!" his mother demanded rattling the door knob again. "im getting dressed give me a minute!" he lied, wetting a wash cloth and trying his best to wipe off the lip color. he scrubbed and scrubbed his hands trying his best to make the color fade, but no such luck. he pulled the lipstick out and read the label, "long lasting & water proof" "goddamnit." eddie said frantically, adding hand soap to his wet cloth. "eddie! what did you just say?!" his mother yelled dumbfounded. "uh...I didn't say anything!" "once you get out of that bathroom, you are grounded for a week!" his mother stated furiously. eddie heard her walk away from the door and waited to make sure she was really gone. he went back to scrubbing and only got it to fade ever so slightly, leaving eddie with deep red lips, a kiss print on his hand, and a red strip on his other. he groaned and gave up, knowing that he was already in trouble. he got dressed into his pajamas and quietly snuck out of the bathroom, and made his way into his room.

     "hello?" beverley greeted as she answered her phone. "uh bev, it's eddie...I have a little problem.." eddie spoke into the phone softly. "okay, what can I help you with?" beverley wondered. eddie proceeded to explain himself, and hoped to god she could help him. "well, I can sneak over to your house, and bring some of my makeup wipes, how does that sound?" beverley suggested. "yes, that sounds wonderful, just please come soon."

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