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"richie you need to go see him, this is because of you." stan voiced. "stan I hurt him so much, I really don't think he wants to see me." richie retorted doodling little nothings on his paper. "im going after school today, do you want to come with me?" stan replied hoping his friend would come. richie slouched in his seat and sighed heavily. "I guess...I just don't want him to see me and be like 'fuck you richie'. I miss him stan, I really do. I care about him so fucking much it hurts, like every second I think about him in that hospital bed, I just want to scream." richie ranted. "well if im going to be honest, he probably wants to see you more than anyone one of the other losers. he's gone through all of this because of you, because he cares about you." "I just...ugh...I fucked up more by not going to him and talking to him the day I broke his heart. I should of apologized." richie confesses holding his head in his hands. stan rubbed his back in attempt to comfort him, but richie didn't pay any mind to it. "I just don't want to come off as an asshole because I didn't talk to him. the reason I didn't talk to him is because I didn't know what to say to him except for sorry, and I wanted to say so much more than that. I want him to know that I care for him, and would do anything in the world for him to get better."
"then tell him that." stan suggested blankly. "tell him what I just told you?" "yeah, what else would I be talking about?" richie took off his glasses and set them down on the table in front of him. he crossed his arms on the table and put his head down, shutting the world out for a moment. "what are you getting me into stan..." richie mumbled, making stan chuckle.

stan walked up to richie's front door and proceeded to knock on the door. before he could bring his fist back to his side the door flew open, and there stood a very stressed richie. "dude, are you going to make it?" stan teased as he descended down richie's porch steps. "can we stop at the store on our way? I have to grab a few things for my folks." richie wondered as he slid into the passenger side of stan's car. stan agreed thinking about the time situation they had and hoped they wouldn't show up too late.

richie hopped out of the car and rushed into the mini-mart they had stopped at. he walked through the store quickly looking for a small flower and a pack of gum. he rushed up to a small display of flowers, and saw a small white rose sitting off to the side. it obviously had fallen from a bouquet and nobody had noticed. richie figured that one little rose wouldn't hurt to give to eddie, so he grabbed it, and slipped it into the inside pocket of his hawaiian shirt, buttoning it up. he walked up to the cash register and browsed the gum. he wanted to quit smoking cigarettes, and had heard that chewing gum helped. he not only wanted to quit for himself, but for eddie. richie grabbed a pack of peppermint gum and placed it on the counter, paying, and dashing back out to the parking lot. "your parents need gum?" stan questioned, pulling out of the parking lot. "no, I want to quit smoking cigarettes." "then why didn't you just say that you needed gum to quit smoking." "I don't know man, I'm like freaking out and-" richie complained, but quickly stopped when he realized that it would get him nowhere. richie decided to smoke his final cigarette, finishing up the pack, and his unhealthy habit.

"hello?" stan greeted as he walked into eddie's room, richie following close behind him. eddie saw richie, and a feeling of hope washed over him. "hi guys." eddie replied smiling for the first time in a while, not taking his eyes off richie. richie and stan both took a seat beside eddie and began to talk. eddie started crying as soon as he heard richie's voice, something he missed and longed for. the tall boy saw how happy eddie was to see him, and how his voice brought him to tears, making richie tear up, too. stan excused himself from the room for a moment, leaving just richie and eddie. eddie stood up from his bed, thankfully not having to bother with IV's anymore, and threw his arms around richie, holding him close. eddie began sobbing in richie's arms, and couldn't stop, and for richie to see him like this, made richie cry...and richie never cries. richie didn't even cry the time he broke his foot in fifth grade. he bear hugged eddie, making it almost impossible for eddie to breathe.
they're hug lasted for what felt like hours, and they both grieved when they pulled away. richie wiped a tear off of eddie's soft cheek, and saw how pale he was compared to himself. he remembered the flower he had gotten eddie, and realized how stupid he was not to think of it before he crushed eddie against him. richie pulled the rose out from his inside pocket and was surprised to see that it wasn't flattened out, but perfect. he handed eddie the flower, and smiled as he saw how happy it made eddie.
"thank you.." eddie mumbled as he held it carefully in his hand.

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