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the butterflies in eddie's stomach we're going insane. once again he couldn't stop smiling and couldn't stay still. "bev im so excited." eddie commented to bev as they stood on the sidewalk awaiting their ride. "I can tell." bev giggled, as she watched eddie rock on his heals. the two friends waited a moment more and finally saw they're ride, and eddie grabbed onto bev's arm and literally started jumping for joy. richie pulled up next to them and got out with bill. eddie ran up to richie and threw himself into the tall boy. he jumped up and wrapped his legs around richie's waist and held him tightly. richie hugged him back quite tightly too, and never ever wanted to let go. "richie I'm so excited." eddie commented as richie gently set him down. "me too eds." richie agreed. a huge smile spread across eddie's face, and his butterflies were out of control. richie saw how happy eddie was and began to smile, too. "you're amazing spaghetti." richie complimented as he pinched eddie's cheek.

"you have arrived at your destination." richie informed with a deep accent. everyone got out of the car, and was stoked for what the evening had in store for them. bill and bev quickly branched off from eddie and richie as they entered the school. the duo made their way into the gymnasium and saw the sea of people already dancing and having a good time. "and you didn't want to come." eddie teased as he noticed how richie watched the crowd. "I didn't... but you did." richie replied as he snaked an arm around eddie's waist. eddie felt his cheeks heat up and a smile spread across his face. he wrapped his arms around richie's torso and rested his head on his shoulder.
eddie wasn't scared of what people had to say this evening, he had richie with him, and that's all that mattered. I mean, he came to a school dance with makeup on, his nails painted, and with a guy, I think the message has gotten out there.
but richie...he was terrified. he was scared for eddie, and what people would do to him. he knew how judgmental and unaccepting people were, and just didn't want anyone to humiliate eddie, on one of his best nights ever. he could tell eddie had been looking forward to this, and didn't want a single person to ruin it.
eddie and richie stepped into the crowd and began dancing a long with everyone else. richie observed everyone and made sure no one was really staring at the two, and made sure eddie wasn't noticing anyone who had been doing so. richie could care less if his night was totally ruined, he just wanted to make sure eddie had fun the whole time.
eddie and richie eventually met up with the rest of the losers and they all danced together and had an amazing time, and richie continued to keep an eye on everything. the dj announced over the microphone that the slow dance was in about fifteen minutes. eddie looked over at richie, and softly smiled at him, and went back to dancing. the losers continued to dance and have fun, when the dj notified the crowd once again of the upcoming slow dance. richie walked over to eddie who had been dancing with bev, and rested a hand on eddies shoulder. eddie leaned up towards richie to hear what he was trying to say over the loud music. "do you want to get something to drink?" richie asked as he noticed how some people were starting stare. eddie nodded in response and told bev where he was going.
richie wrapped an arm around eddie's shoulders and began waking up to the booth that held all of the drinks and snacks, but soon turned him away from the booth and began walking him toward the direction of the bathrooms. "richie where are we going?" eddie asked looking over his shoulder at the losers. "to the bathroom." richie answered vaguely. "I can see that, but why? I don't need to pee." eddie remarked as the two entered the boys bathroom. "I don't either." richie commented as he checked the stalls and made sure no one was about. "richie I'm serious I want to go back and dance." eddie complained. "we will eds, just give me like five minutes okay?" richie negotiated as he grabbed eddie's hands, and walked him further into the bathroom.

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