Lacie is the kind of girl that doesn't love boys easy. She knows every trick up there sleeve. But everything changes when Z the boy that every girl likes except for her becomes interested in her and everything she does. Can Z change her mind about h...
Tina is the type of girl that always gets her heart broken. Her mistake is falling head over heels in love with a boy and getting dumped the next day because she won't give the boy what he wants. Everytime she gets a boyfriend she comes complaining to me about them. I be like girl just be like me. Like the boy don't love him. She never listen to me though all she do is keep on talking about it until I fall asleep on her. Then she wake me up again and start talking about it. It gets boring after a while. She tells me everything about her life. I don't have nothing against her it's just that she talk so damn much. She always comes to me about her relationships she never goes to Danielle. Danielle is the bossy one. I am the tough one and Tina is the sensitive one. Tina has a twin sister named Rina they aren't identical twin though.
This is Tina My Best Friend
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