Tina's Point of View

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Me an Danielle spent the night over Lacey's house. I was relived that she didn't like Malik. We call Malik Fred because that's his middle name. Even though I already knew she didn't like him I was still relived that she said she didn't like him. Lacey lies but she never lies about boys. This a picture of Malik/ Fred.

Malik, Z, and Adrian have been friends every since they were little

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Malik, Z, and Adrian have been friends every since they were little. Z acts black so that's how they became friends with Z. Z ain't never been with a black girl. I don't know why. I mean he has liked Lacey every since they were little. I guess he just thought he had a little crush on her and It would go away. Z has gone with a lot of white girls but all of them cheated on him. Even though Lacey has only had two boyfriend's both of them cheated on her. And she did give two boys a chance to take her out on a date but I don't even know what happened. She never talked about it. But I guess it's for the best.

I always go to Lacey and tell her about my relationships that I have had. I know she doesn't care about my relationships but when I am around Lacey I feel like I can trust her. Lacey just has that effect on people. I really hope she will give Z a chance. I mean her and Z would make a cute couple.

I got up this morning and I woke Danielle and Lacey up then we got dressed. This is what we were wearing.

 This is what we were wearing

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Lacey was in the middle. I was on the right side of Lacey and Danielle was on the left side of her. After we got dressed we went to school.

To be continued

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