What he hopes.

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After four boring classes it was finally time for lunch. Tyler followed me around all day. He even sat beside me at lunch.

Tina: Ooooo Lace who the cute boy?

Lacey: This is the new student that is in all of my classes. I have to show him around.

Tina: What's wrong with you boy? Why you so quiet?

Tyler: I'm a little nervous. I mean Lacey has been mean to me all day.

Danielle: You will get use to it that's just how she is around boys.

Lacey: No I'm not. Ok maybe I am but that's only because boys be trying me. They know I don't play that shit. All they do is stare at my ass all day.

Right then Danielle, Tina, and Tyler all started laughing.

Lacey: What? It's the truth.

Joshua and Rina walked over to our table and sat down.

Joshua: Wassup Lace?

Lacey: Nun really just trying to explain to them why I'm so mean.

Joshua started laughing.

Lacey: Why are y'all laughing? I was serious when I said that.

Z's P.O.V

Z: Who that boy over there by Lacey?

Adrian: Oh that's the new student. The teacher said Lacey had to show him around.

Z: Why he sitting by her then? That's my spot.

Malik: Man it ain't nothing to be jealous about. You know Lacey ain't give him a chance even if he did like her.

I hope she doesn't give him a chance. 

The rest of the day flew by and I didn't even get to talk to Lacey because that dude was around her all day. So when school ended I ran up to her.

Z: So Lacey you wanna go out?

Lacey: Boy don't play with me.

Z: Not like that you dummy. What I mean is that the whole gang is going to the mall and we were wondering if you wanna come?

Lacey: So what are we a gang now?

Z: Just answer the damn question.

Lacey: Ok I'll go but since I don't feel like driving you coming to pick me up. Now bye.

 I couldn't believe she said I could come pick her up. Man I couldn't stop smiling and looking at her ass at the same time. I tried to stop myself from looking but it's hard to look away.

I was staring so hard they I didn't know Joshua was looking at me the whole time.

Joshua: I heard that you liked her but I didn't believe it.

Z: What I don't like Lacey.

Joshua: Then why after she said you were coming to pick her up you started smiling?

Z: Ok I do like her plz don't tell her.

Joshua: I don't have to tell her. She go find out on her own.

Z: Thanks man.

Joshua: No problem but you better not hurt her.

Z: I won't I promise.

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