Meet Z the boy I Hate

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I was so mad that I didn't even notice that I bumped into Z.

I was so mad that I didn't even notice that I bumped into Z

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Lacey: what the fuck Z watch where you are going

Z: You the one who bumped into me 

Lacey: Whatever

Z 'S P.O.V

Once Lacey walked off I couldn't help but stare at her ass. I couldn't stop smiling. I knew Lacey was fine but I didn't think she was this fine up close. I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice that Danielle was staring at me.

Danielle: I saw you Z. Why you staring at my best friend butt?

Z: What I don't know what you are talking about.

Danielle: Don't play dum with me Z I saw. I saw you with my own two eyes. But don't worry I been knew you had a crush on Lacey

Z: How did you know?

Danielle: Everytime me, Tina, and Lacey go somewhere in the school you and your group of friends always follow behind us. It ain't that hard to tell you like her. All you do is stare at her while we be in class. Of course she doesn't notice but I do.

Z: Plz don't tell her.

Danielle: I ain't go tell her she will find out on her own.

Z: Danielle can you help me get a date with her.

Danielle: Is Z the most cutest boy in school asking for help to get a date with my Best Friend?

Z: Danielle you know almost every boy in the school has asked out Lacey and she has turned everyone of them down. Yeah I am asking you for help

Danielle: You do have a point... But you know she hates you right. I mean she has hated you every since 2 grade when you tried to cut her pony tail off.

Z: Yeah I know that but that's why am asking you for help.

Danielle: I am only going to tell her that someone has been checking her butt out. But I won't say it was you. I will let you know what her favorite things are.

Z: Thank you Danielle you are the best.

Danielle: I know.

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