Lunch time

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Back to Lacey's P.O.V

After four boring classes it was time for lunch. Lunch was my favorite part of the day because I could talk to Tina and Danielle. We all sat down at our table. 

Danielle: Lacey someone was checking you out in the hallway earlier.

LACEY: Danielle you know that I don't care about that. Whoever it was can look all they want but they better not touch.

Danielle: Lacey can't you just be interested in some boy plz. Everyone is beginning to think that you are gay.

Lacey: Let the people think all they want is but you and I both know that's not true.

Tina: So who's the lucky boy who is going to get his heart broken by Lacey.

Just then Danielle whispers in Tina's ear. Tina's eyes went wide and she couldn't stop smiling and staring at me.

Lacey:  You know it's rude to stare at someone while they are eating.

Out of nowhere Z and his friends walked over to ours tabel. Z sat down next to me and Adrian sat beside Danielle. Fred sat down next to Tina.

LACEY: Get the fuck away from me Z.

Z: We can't sit here?

Lacey: No you can't. I hate you.

Z: Don't worry I feel the same way about you too

Danielle: Can you two plz stop flirting.

Lacey: We are not flirting it's called arguing you should try it some times.

Z kept on talking and asking me stupid questions and it was getting on my nerves. He knew what he was doing and he was doing it on purpose. Even though I am black my face was turning red because Z was getting on my last nerve.

I got so mad i through my plate in the trash and walked out of the cafeteria with mupy fist balled up.


Z: Do you guys think I messed with her to much.

Danielle: No you did great even though you mess with her everyday.

Adrian: Why do have a crush on on Lacey anway you know she is a heartbreaker.

Z: I know that but she is impossible to not like. I have had a crush on her every since the 2th grade when I thought that maybe cutting her hair would make me stop liking her. 

Adrian: Man you liked her that long and you didn't ask her out. Why?

Z: Because I was scared she would reject me but at least now I can try.

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