Lacie is the kind of girl that doesn't love boys easy. She knows every trick up there sleeve. But everything changes when Z the boy that every girl likes except for her becomes interested in her and everything she does. Can Z change her mind about h...
Once Danielle and Tina arrived at my house we all went to my room.
Lacey: Danielle why did you give Z my number?
Danielle: You didn't say I couldn't give it to him.
Lacey: Danielle you know me and him don't get along.
Tina: I know who likes you Lacey.
Danielle: Tina shhhhhhhhh....
Lacey: Who?
Tina: Fred likes you?
Lacey: You mean Fred as in Z's best friend.
Tina: Yeah.
Lacey: That explains why Z wanted my number. He wanted to give it to Fred so he could talk to me. For a minute there I thought Z was the boy y'all was talking about liking me.
Danielle's thoughts: That was close. I have to tell Z he needs to be more careful. We almost got caught.
LACEY: Y'all I have to go to the bathroom. Do y'all want anything to eat
Danielle: Get me some hot chips.
Tina: I just want some of those chocolate chip cookies that you be hiding in the top cabinet on the left.
Lacey: How did you know I had some cookies?
Tina: Girl you know I'm greedy.
After Lacey left the room.
Danielle: Tina we almost got caught. She almost found out that Z likes her. Tina good looking out you came up with a lie quick.
Tina: I am good at lieing. I mean when I lie to you you always believe me.
Danielle: Wait what.
Tina: Anyway Fred actually likes me but I used him as an excuse for him to come around us.
Danielle: Wait Fred likes you?
Tina: Yeah. He my boyfriend.
Danielle: How long have yall be together?
Tina: About three months now.
Danielle: And you just now telling me now.
Tina: You didn't ask me to tell you. Besides he won't force me into having sex with him.
Lacey came back into the room with Danielle bag of hot chips and with Tina's bag of cookies.
Lacey: Do y'all want to sleep over at my house today.
Danielle: Did you ask your mom?
Lacey: Yeah I just got off the phone with her.She said yeah.
Tina: I have plans.
Lacey: Plz Tina if you spend the night with me I promise you we will go shopping tomorrow after school.
Tina: The shopping is what got me fine I will spend the night.
Danielle: Let me go call my mom to ask her.
Danielle left the room to go call Z.
Tina: So what do you think about Fred?
LACEY: What is there to think. I am not interested in him.
Tina's thoughts: Yesssssss
Danielle came back into the room.
Danielle: She said yes.
Lacey: Come on we bout to go to y'all house so y'all can get y'all own clothes because y'all are not about to be wearing my clothes.
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We got in my car and left.
To be continued..... It's not finished it just says it's finished