He got away with it this time

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After I told Danielle and Tina that I was going to tell them everything they started asking questions. It was getting on my nerves but I just told them to chill and let me explain everything later. At lunch today we all set together then Z, Adrian, and Malik came over to the table. Z sits by me as always and Malik sits by Tina. You already know where Adrian sits. 

Z: So umm Lacey. You going to the dance?

Lacey: Why you asking Z?

Z: Because I wanna know so I can tell every boy that's thinking about asking you to don't even try.

Right then I started laughing.

Lacey: What you saying Z? Are you saying you want to go to the dance with me?

After I said that for some odd reason Z's face turned red.

Adrian: Haha Z what's wrong with your face you look like a tomato.


Danielle: Hahaha this is too funny.

Z: We can all go as a group.

Lacey: I don't know Z. I have to much on my plate.

Tina: What you mean you have to much on your plate? The dance is going to be on the day your birthday is.

Malik: October 29th

Danielle: Yep she'll finally be 18.

Lacey: This will be my first birthday without my daddy.

Everybody got quiet after that.

Malik: It's ok Lacey we all here to celebrate with you.

Lacey: Make sure y'all wear red on that day.

They all started laughing

Lacey: What?

Danielle: Yeah we are the blood gang.

Tina: What's up with you and red anyway Lacey?

Lacey: I don't know it's just my favorite color. Z what you staring at?

Z: Oh umm nothing

Adrian: For real bruh that's creepy.

I started laughing. I don't know why Z stares at me. I don't know if I have something on my mouth or what but he stares to damn much.

Lacey: Z do I have something on my mouth?

Z: No

Lacey: Then why you staring at me.

Z: Because

Lacey: Because what?

Z: Because I can stare at what ever the fuck I want

When he said that his eyes went big and he started tickling me.

Lacey: Z stop hahaha stop it hahaha. How the fuck do you know where my tickling spots are?

Tina: Can y'all stop fucking flirting.

Adrian: Aww come on Tina let then flirt.

The boys left the table to throw their plates in the trash.

Lacey: What the fuck y'all talking about we ain't flirting.... it's called umm..

Danielle: Haha see Lacey you know you flirting. You can't denie it. 

Lacey: No we not he was just messing with like he always does.

Tina: That's called flirting.

Lacey: Damn I'm stuck. Z doesn't like me like that.

Danielle: Are you sure about that?

Lacey: I'm sure. If he did like me he would have asked me out already.

Tina: Lacey you know that's a lie you turn down every boy that wants to talk to you.

Danielle: Speaking of boys why has Tyler been sitting by Ren

Author's Note: Tyler is the new student remember.

Tina: People have been going around the school saying that Tyler and Ren are together.

Lacey: It's non of my business so I don't care.

Just then the boys came back to our table. They must have been talking because they took a long time.

Malik: Y'all the Bell is about to ring in one minute I'll catch yall later.

Tina: You ain't go give your girl a kiss Malik?

Malik kissed Tina on the lips and then he waited for Adrian and Z.

Danielle and Adrian hugged then they kissed.

Z: Lacey let me have a hug.

Lacey: Haha Z hell no

Z: Why not Lacey? You know you want this.

Tina: Oooow Z why you feeling yourself?

Z: I'm not I just want a hug from Lacey.

Lacey: And why should I give you a hug?

Danielle: Lacey give the damn boy a hug.

Lacey: Damn Danielle you ain't gotta be so damn mean. Fine I'll give you a hug Z but you better not touch my ass like you did in 6th grade.

Tina: I'm bout to take a picture of this.

Danielle: Haha me too.

I wrapped my arms around Z's neck and his arms was on my waist. But I started feeling his hands slide down before I knew it both of his hands were on my ass. I pushed him off of me. I saw him laughing.

Lacey: What the fuck Z I'm gonna kick your ass.

Tina: Lacey calm down his hands slipped

Lacey: Yeah his hands slipped down my ass. Z you may have gotten away with it this time but I got. I'm gonna get you back you just wait.

Danielle, Tina, Malik, Adrian, And Z we're all laughing. To my surprise Danielle actually recorded it. I couldn't help but laugh with them but the Bell rung and we all had to go back to class.

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