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I went upstairs into my bedroom. I needed time to think. All this stuff about marriage was like words being told over and over again in my head. Don't get me wrong I knew this day was coming I just didn't think it would be here so soon. I needed someone to talk to about this so I called Joshua.

Lacey: Hey Joshua. Do you have a minute to talk?

Joshua: I always have a minute to talk to you. So what's do you need to talk about.

Lacey: It's my mom. She is getting married.

Joshua: Oh my God. She is already getting married?

Lacey: Yeah. My dad just died two years ago an she is already moving on. I don't know what to do.

Joshua: I think you should talk to her about it.

Lacey: Yeah I will talk to her about it later. So what's up with you and Rina. I haven't talked to yall in awhile.

Joshua: We good we just been having some issues here and there.

Lacey:. Are they serious?

Joshua: No they are just small arguments.

Lacey: Oh

Joshua: We haven't talked in a while even though we go to the same school.

Lacey: I know.

Joshua: Rina is calling. I gotta go. I will talk to you tomorrow at school bye..

Lacey: Bye

It feels like every since I set him and Rina up we have been drifting farther apart. We aren't as close as we use to be. I guess it's for the best.

After I got off the phone with Joshua I took me a bath and went to bed.

Arthor's Note: Hello my fellow readers I know that these two parts might have been boring but trust me they I'll get better.

To be continued.......😄

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