Malik's Point of View

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Once Lacey walked into the school Z couldn't stop staring at her. I literally had to tell him to stop staring or he would cause some attention. He can't even stop talking about her. Last night me and Adrian went over his house to play Fortnite and he was talking about her the whole time. Then we got a phone call from Danielle saying that I had to pretend to be interested in her. I mean I was interested in her at one point but I got to know Tina. Tina was...... different. And that's what I like about her. Yeah sure she can talk you ear off but aside from her being annoying she is a beautiful person inside and out. It took me a year to notice her. But I am glad I did. We be wearing matching outfits and everything.

 We be wearing matching outfits and everything

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I am so lucky to have her. As for Z he needs to just ask Lacey out on a date. All he talk about is Lacey. You could ask him a question and then some how Lacey's name comes up. I ain't go lie Lacey is fine and she hard to get. I even tried to pull her a few times. If you get your heart broken move on the next girl but that may be hard for Z to do because he just now realizing that been liked the girl. It took him a lot of girlfriends to actually notice that he liked her the whole time. I remember when I had a lil crush on Lacey every time I talked him about her he would get mad. At the time I didn't know why he got so mad but now I know why. I mean the dude had a girlfriend at that time. He was going with Ashley. But I hope Lacey gives him a chance.

To be continued.....😄

Author's Note: Remember I update everyday.

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