Z's Thoughts

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Z's P.O.V

Once Lacey got into the class I stared at her because she seemed mad and hurt and at the same time a little bit confused. I looked at the bruise on her face. I wanted to go over there and tell her that everything was going to work out in the end but if I had of told her that she would have knew I saw something.

She looked up at me and cursed. I didn't want to let her know I saw what happened the night before so I turned around in my seat. I went through that whole class without looking at her. And that was hard to do because I love her. I mean I like her. Yeah I meant like.

After four classes ended it was time for lunch. Danielle and Tina set at our table.

Danielle: Lacey didn't have to get mad at us. We were just trying to help her. 

Tina: I know right. I wonder what got her so rounded up this morning.

Z: She is just going through some stuff with her mom.

Danielle: How you know that?

Z: What? I mean......umm I got a feeling.

Danielle: Z what do you know?

Z: It's not my place to tell you. And if I do tell y'all y'all go tell her I told y'all. And then she go be wondering how I know.

Danielle: Yeah Z how do you know?

Danielle looked at me with her arms crossed.

Z: I might have set outside her window and accidentally saw everything that happened.

Danielle: You did what!!!!!

Adrian: Come on Z that's just plain stalking somebody.

Z: I know. I wasn't trying to I was just going to look at her through the window then I was go go home but I saw her mom walk into the house and they started arguing.

Danielle: They were arguing about what?

Z: I done told you to much. That's all the information I tell you right now. Everything else you have to talk to her about.

Tina: Why you got to be that way Z.

Z: Because I love. I mean like Lacey.

Malik: Ooooo Z just said he love Lacey.

Danielle started singing this song about me.

Danielle: Z's in love with my best friend. Z's in love with my best friend.

Z:  No Im not I meant to say like.

Adrian: Yeah right.

Tina: Nah he meant to say love.

Tina start sanging the song too. 

Z: Ok I'm in love with Lacey so what.

I didn't notice that Danielle was recording me saying that.

Z: Delete that.

Danielle: No I'm keeping it for Lacey.

Adrian and Malik started laughing.

Z: Don't show her that. She can't see it.

Danielle: Chill out Z. I ain't go show her. I'm just keeping it for memories.

Tina: Danielle send that to me.

Danielle: Ok I'ma send it to you.

Z: No no do not send that to her.

Danielle: Ok I sent it to you.

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