Lacie is the kind of girl that doesn't love boys easy. She knows every trick up there sleeve. But everything changes when Z the boy that every girl likes except for her becomes interested in her and everything she does. Can Z change her mind about h...
After the gang went out Z dropped me off at home. I had fun with them. I needed that too because I had a lot of stuff on my mind. As soon as I got home I went to the kitchen and I saw a note on the refrigerator door from mom. I didn't even bother to read it. I just looked in the snack cabinet and got some chips, cookies, candy, and some Debbie cakes out of it then I went to my room. I closed my door and started watching Netflix.
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This me chilling in my comfortable clothes.
While I was watching Netflix I heard the front door open. I knew right then that hat was mom.
Mom: Lace can you come down stairs please?
I didn't even reply.
Mom: Lacey we need to talk about this. Please just come down stairs.
I got off my bed and went down stairs.
Lacey: What do you want?
Mom: How did you know that I was with him while being with your dad.
Lacey: On the day that Daddy was in the hospital. I came back home early because I wanted to comfort you because you were the one who took it badder than everyone. Well at least I though you took it badder. I was wrong. Well anyway I came home and I saw you and John in the living room kissing on the couch. I didn't know what to do so I snuck out the back door.
Mom: You saw that? Why didn't you tell me?
LACEY: I was trying to force myself not to believe that my mama would do that to my daddy like that. But after a while it got to me and I started getting angry at you for doing that to him. And I stopped talking to you.
Mom: I'm so sorry Lacey. I really am.
LACEY: You are sorry? No you aren't. You weren't going to tell me about any of this. You were just going to say that you and John met at your Job. All them late nights saying that you were going out of town and you would be back the very next week. You were with him the whole time. You have been lieing to my face for two years.
Mom: You act like you have never lied to me before.
Lacey: Yeah I have lied but I didn't lie to my daughter's face for two years. Then cheat on my husband while he was in the hospital battling cancer. What happened to the mama I knew? The mama that was so in love with my daddy and would do anything for him?
Mom: That women died when your daddy died.
Lacey: That women died when she cheated on my daddy. You must have been so desperate. You just needed a man to hold you and tell you that everything was going to be alright didn't you? Well congratulations mama now you are just a desperate whore who will only be wanted for sex and money. At least daddy loved you. That John doesn't give a shit about you.
Mama: That's enough.
After she said that she slapped me. I feel on the floor and looked up at her.
Mama: Ain't no child of mine go talk to me like that under my roof.
I got up with my fist bold up.
Mama: Are you ready to fight.
Lacey: You aren't worth my strength. If Daddy was here he would be ashamed to even look at you. I'm glad that he can't see what you have become because if he did he wouldn't even call you his wife.
Mom: Pack your stuff you are getting out of my house right now.
Lacey: Good I can't to even stand to be in the same room as you.
I went up stairs and packed me a lot of clothes. Then I went in the bathroom ad looked at my face and it was red. Then I got in my car and left.
Author's Note: It's not the end yet we still have a long way to go😉