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I was so mad I couldn't concentrate on the road. I was thinking about my mama and daddy and about how he use to hold her and tell her he loved her. Why would she trade real love in for fake love. I'm not stupid I may not never love again but I know what real love is when I see it. That thing that my parents had was real. Then she had to go and mess it up just like she messes up everything. She kicked me out of the house just because she didn't want anyone to tell her the truth about herself. Deep down she know's that she doesn't love John. She just won't admit it to herself because she believes he can be a better man than daddy was. If she believes that then she is just as desperate as Ren.

I pulled up at my grandma's house. If my daddy hadn't brought me this car then my mama would have made me walk all the way to grandam's house in these butty shorts.

Grandma: Girl what you doing down here.

Lacey: Hey Grandma. Mama kicked me out.

Grandma is my dad's mom. She is still living and she is 94 years old.

Grandma: Why did your mama kicked you?

Lacey: We got into an argument about dad.

Grandma: What about him.

Lacey: Grandma I think we should go inside and talk about this.

Grandma: Girl what you doing wearing them butty tight shorts and that cropped shirt.

Lacey: Grandma can we talk about that later. I really have to tell u sum thing important.

Grandma: Ok child come on in.

I went into the house and sat down on the couch. Then Grandma sat down beside me. I told her about everything that happened. She wasn't shocked at all.

Grandma: Your mama ain't never liked it when people told her the truth about her. I wish she hadn't married to ur daddy

Lacey: If daddy hadn't married mama you wouldn't have a granddaughter.

Grandma: Aaaand we are changing the subject. What you doing with them butty shorts on and that cropped top on.

Lacey: I put these on because I was about to go to sleep after I got finished eating and watching Netflix.

Grandma: Mmmmhhhhhmmmm

Lacey: Grandma can I live here with you please.

Grandma: Yeah u can but you ain't go be wearing nothing like that.

Lacey: haha ok Grandma.

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