My mom

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As soon as I walked into the door a saw a man holding my mom's hand. When I saw that I got so mad but I didn't show it.

Mom: Lacey I want you to meet my boyfriend John.

Lacey: Boyfriend?

Mom: Yes this is John Howard

Lacey: Nice to meet you Mr. Howard.

John Howard looked like he was in his late forties. I was so mad that my mom was just now telling me about him especially after everything that happened over the pass three years.

Mom: Well...... We wanted to tell you I

John: What she is trying to say is that we are getting married.

When I heard those words come out his mouth I was about to explode with anger but I got a hold of myself and said not in front of him.

Lacey: Married?

John: Yes

Lacey: I'm going to go to my room.

I walked staight to my room without another word. I can't believe she didn't tell me. And then dad just died two years ago. Who knew you could move on from someone in just two years.

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