Danielle My Favorite

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No matter how bossy Danielle is she my favorite. Danielle is the type of girl that will talk about a boy once then she won't talk about him ever again that's what I like about her. Yeah she may be bossy as hell but she does have some good advice about boys, life, and family. She told Tina not to let any boy trick her into giving her virginity away. She told her she should save it for a someone who will actually wait until she is ready.I agree with her though. I don't really do good with advice but when I need advice I always go to Danielle because she go give it to you trait.

 I don't really do good with advice but when I need advice I always go to Danielle because she go give it to you trait

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Danielle has a boyfriend his name is Adrian they haven't had sex. They say they want to save it marriage. I am glad they are doing that.

Auhor's Note: I know theses four chapters might be boring I am just introducing the main characters. You will get to meet the boy that likes LACEY in the sixth chapter. The characters in this story are based on real people. Danielle is based on My friend Makahia and Tina is based on my friend Jasmin Green.

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