1. Frenemies

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Hello lovelies! I'm back...again and I'm here with a little update on what's been going on in my life and why updates have been so sporadic. A few weeks back I started my job and my life has been pretty much consumed by. I'm working a lot of hours and it's been tiring me out to the point of coming home and sleeping leaving little time for me to write. Also, last week was my annual family vacation which was some much needed rest and relaxation and I only got one chapter of a book done while I was up there. But now I'm home and off for a couple days so here I am with updates. I can't promise they'll be frequent or as often as usual but I'm trying my best to find a balance with everything in my life right now and it's been a little tricky. I really appreciate your patience and I hope you all continue to read and enjoy my books as writing them is still one of my favorite things to do in my free time. I love you all so much and I hope you enjoy these updates.  


A/N: Story will be told from both Molly and Elliot's POV


I'm woken up by the baby monitor blaring on the nightstand. Molly quickly sits up to shut it off, glancing back at me to see if the noise woke me up but of course I keep my eyes closed to pretend it didn't because I know the second she figures out I am indeed awake she'll begin apologizing profusely for Leah's crying.

Molly lets out a sigh of relief and climbs out of bed, walking out of our room and heading down the hall to Leah's bedroom. I roll over onto my back once she's gone and sigh. This was the third night in a row Leah had woken us up in the middle of the night and of course I couldn't get upset because she was a baby and moving in together was my idea but I was becoming exhausted and I had school in three hours.

I lie there for what seems like forever until finally Molly wanders back into our room, closing the door softly and tiptoeing towards the bed. Our eyes lock as she pulls back the blankets and she sighs. "Sorry babe" she whispers, climbing back into the bed. "I'm trying to get her to sleep through the night-."

"Moll it's okay" I assure her, rolling onto my side to face her. "I just wanna get some more sleep."

"Okay" she concedes, bringing her bottom lip between her teeth. "Goodnight El" she murmurs, turning onto her side away from me. I sigh.

"Moll I'm not upset" I assure her, wrapping my arms around her waist. "I love you and I love Leah. I'm just cranky cause I'm tired. I promise I'm not mad at you."

"Mhm" she hums, wiping at her eyes. Shit.

"Molly don't cry" I whisper, turning her to look at me. I hover over her and lean down to press my lips to hers in a soft kiss. "I'm not mad. I'm exhausted."

"Me too" she agrees, caressing my cheek. "I just-I'm terrified of losing you El. I-I couldn't handle it. If this living situation gets to be too much I'd much rather move out than break up."

I shake my head. It broke my heart that one comment about being tired caused Molly to start doubting how much I care about her. "You're not going anywhere" I insist. "You're gonna stay right here."

"You're sure?"

I nod, reaching back down to kiss her. "I'm positive. Let's get some more sleep baby" I insist as I settle back into bed and pull her against me before falling back asleep.


A couple hours later I wake up and Molly is still pressed firmly against me. I curse under my breath as she wiggles around, brushing against me. I hear her giggle and I know the temptress is awake. "You think you're funny."

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