11. Explanations and Distractions

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*Mature Content Ahead: This will be the one and only warning you get so...be warned*

Elliot's POV

The apartment clears out and silence surrounds me and Molly. I'm almost positive that she's too nervous to say anything and I don't blame her. There was a reason I never brought up the fact that my brother had a thing for my sister...then again no one knew all the details like I did. "Are you hungry? Thirsty?" she asks, standing up and walking towards the kitchen. My heart swells. It was clear that she wasn't going to push me to talk about anything I wasn't ready to and I couldn't thank her enough for that. 

"I'm okay. Please sit" I plead, grabbing her wrist gently to stop her. She nods and sits back across from me. "I suppose I should've mentioned that my problems with Troy went a little deeper than his dislike towards you."

"Probably" she admits, crossing her legs and leaning forward on her elbows. "But I'm sure you had your reasons" she adds, looking at me expectantly. 

I nod in agreement. "I try to forget about the past that my sister and Troy shared" I explain, wringing my hands together. "Troy and I had been friends since we were in Kindergarten. My sister was born shortly after we met and throughout our childhood there were no issues. We were all friends but that was as far as it went. Then, we turned fourteen and hormones started getting involved" I trail off, inhaling deeply. Molly reaches out and takes my hand in hers. 

"You don't have to tell me right now. Or ever" she adds though I know the suspense is killing her. I shake my head. 

"I'm okay" I argue but I know that having her closer may help me get through this more confidently. There was something about her that calmed me despite her wild nature. "Come here" I insist, pulling her towards me. She smiles, sitting on my lap and wrapping her arm around my neck. She kisses my cheek and lets her fingers run loose through my hair, calming me down. 

"Keep going" she urges and I nod, placing my hand on her thigh, tracing shapes onto her bare skin to distract me. She shivers beneath my touch and I smile. I loved that I could make her body react that way. 

"After my sister turned fifteen she started seeing Troy" I explain causing her eyes to widen. "I didn't know about it, I only found out after it was over but" I trail off, biting my lip. "But they dated and made some horrible decisions-."

Her eyebrows furrow in confusion. "Babe what are you saying?" 

"They ran a couple bases" I sigh. "Which I know isn't horrible but when your sister is fifteen and he's seventeen and your Catholic parents find out-."

"Oh no" she murmurs and I nod in agreement. 

"They made them break up and as far as I knew, they didn't talk since. I didn't realize that they hadn't stopped talking until tonight" I explain and she nods in understanding, tugging softly at my hair. 

"Do you think she'll run back to him?" she asks softly. "Or how would you feel if she did?" 

"I'd feel betrayed" I begin. "I mean, I trusted him to come over to my house every single day and then behind my back he started to fool around with my sister. It'd be like if you had started to fool around with Avery's sibling rather than her boyfriend."

"Same idea" she concedes. "But Avery did forgive me" she adds and I nod thoughtfully. I suppose the right thing to do would be to forgive him but it seemed impossible, especially because he kept lying to me. I could never make any progress in the forgiveness department until I was finally told the truth and it seemed like neither my "best friend" or my sister were willing to offer that. 

"Maybe someday" I suggest. "But tonight, tonight I just want to forget about that damn party and be with you."

She smiles, leaning down to peck my lips. "I'm all yours." My heart skips a beat as I lean back in for another kiss, caressing her cheek as I pull her closer. She swipes her tongue across my bottom lip and I grant her entrance, squeezing her thigh. My name slips past her lips as her hand falls to the hem of my shirt and I don't stop her from slipping her fingers underneath and tracing the faint muscles of my chest. "El" she pauses, pulling back. "We shouldn't do this."

I furrow my eyebrows at her. "What are you talking about?"

She releases a deep sigh. "If you weren't worked up you would've put the brakes on already" she explains. "I wouldn't be able to live with myself if we did something tonight only for you to wake up tomorrow regretting it and hating me for initiating it."

I shake my head, swiping my thumb over her cheek. "We don't have to do everything Molls. I'm okay with a base hit." 

"Are you sure?" she asks, biting into her bottom lip. "Because we can just make-out or I could pop some popcorn and we can watch a movie" she suggests, trying to climb off my lap but I laugh, holding her in place. 

"Molly Baker, I am totally and completely in control of my emotions and thoughts right now and I am one hundred percent sure that this is okay."

She purses her lips together and I chuckle, reaching behind her and grabbing the zipper on her dress. We stay quiet, staring at each other as I pull it down until finally it falls and pools around her waist. She releases a shaky breath as she reaches behind her back but I grab her hands to stop her. "Do you know how?" she asks, referring to her bra and what I love about her is that she's genuinely curious and most likely more than happy to show me but I know what I'm doing at least in that department. 

"I got it sweetheart" I reply, reaching behind her back and unclasping her bra, causing it to pop open. Her cheeks turn bright red as she grabs the front, hugging it to her chest. 

"Are you sure?" she asks one last time and I nod as I grab the straps and she releases her hands, allowing me to pull the material off her body. My mouth waters at the sight of her chest and I can't help but reach out to touch one causing her breath to hitch in her throat as her eyes flutter shut. 

I could certainly get used to this. 

I experiment for a few minutes, watching her reactions to try and gauge what she likes. Her hips rock slightly against mine and I move one hand to her hips to try and stop her despite how good it feels. "You're pretty good at this" she murmurs breathlessly and I chuckle as I duck my lips back down to catch hers. 

She moans into the kiss, pulling at my hair as her hips pick up speed on my lap and I can't find it in myself to stop her until finally my vision goes blank and my body is left trembling beneath hers. Her lips pull away from mine and she giggles. "Sorry."

"Don't be" I reply, noting that I just let this girl give me my first orgasm. "But if anyone asked, this never happened."

She laughs harder, nodding her head. "It never leaves this living room" she agrees. "But you're cute when you c-."

I place my hand over her mouth and shake my head. "Nope. Don't say it. Please."

She purses her lips together and leans down to peck my lips. "Whatever you say baby. I'm gonna go change and you should uh probably take a shower" she smirks. I watch as she walks away and shake my head. 

Molly Baker was going to be the death of me and I wasn't complaining. I loved her dirty mouth, her stunning curves, her infectious laugh and the infinite love she had to give. She was everything to me and I couldn't wait to marry her.

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