17. Holiday Plans

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I'm woken up the next morning by the doorbell being rung and I groan, opening my eyes and glancing over at Molly who was still fast asleep. Since the baby was born she was tuned into every noise she made and would immediately jump out of bed upon hearing her but any other noise fell on deaf ears and she slept right through it. 

I chuckle, climbing out of bed and grabbing a pair of pajama pants from the drawer before heading out to answer the door. I look through the peephole and find Jason on the other side with Leah in his arms. I didn't realize he was dropping her off so early. 

I pull open the door and come face to face with my fiancee's ex boyfriend. "Morning Jason" I greet him politely. He smiles, walking past me over the threshold. 

"Morning Elliot" he replies, looking around the room confusedly. "Where's Moll?" 

I sigh, taking a seat on the arm of the couch and looking off down the hallway to my bedroom where she was asleep. "She had a rough night so I'm letting her sleep in" I explain and he quirks an eyebrow at me. 

"Rough night? What did you do?" he asks and I laugh, throwing my hands up in frustration. 

"The same thing I always do. I make her feel like being with me is the worst sin she could ever commit. Everywhere I turn there's someone, usually one of my family members, making her feel like we're doing things wrong or moving too fast or whatever the hell they decide to find a problem with" I sigh. "I just want her to be happy and confident in our relationship but it's almost impossible at this point."

"Dude you're worrying too much. This is Molly we're talking about."

"I know" I nod, running my hand through my hair. "And she deserves more than what I can offer her" I murmur, pushing off the couch and pacing around the room. Jason sets Leah down in her playpen and walks towards me, grabbing me by the shoulders. 

"Elliot you're letting all this dumb shit cloud your judgement. You love Molly and she loves you, there is nothing more important than that! And who do you think could treat her better? Me?" he asks with a laugh. "I fucked it up with her long before you showed up and I continued to make bad decisions almost up until the day my daughter was born. You are the best thing for Molly and you're the only other man on the planet that I trust with my daughter. Stop letting your family come between you and the woman you want to start your own family with."

I let his words settle in my head and I open my mouth to respond when Molly's footsteps echo against the hardwood. "Jase" she yawns. "I wasn't expecting you this early."

"Uh yea" he replies, dropping his hands from my shoulders. "I figured you wouldn't be upset to see her a little earlier than we planned."

She smiles, moving towards their daughter and scooping her up into her arms. "Of course I'm not" she hums, kissing the baby's cheek. "Have you fed her yet?" she asks and Jason shakes his head. "Mkay" she hums. "I'm gonna go nurse her then" she says decisively. "Drive safe Jase" she adds, kissing his cheek before walking out of the room. Jason looks towards me and pulls his keys out of his pocket. 

"Remember what I said man because I promise, if you let her get away you'll regret it for the rest of your life" he says bluntly before turning and walking out the front door. 

I knew that there was a part of Jason that would never get over Molly and I knew it should probably bother me but it didn't because I knew that at the end of the day he respected my relationship with Molly and he would never overstep or ruin what we had. 

I walk down the hall to my bedroom to get dressed but Molly's soft singing voice carries me to her bedroom that she shared with the little munchkin and I smile, pushing the door open to find her rocking the baby back and forth. 

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