20. Date Night

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"What time is Sofia getting here?" Elliot asks while I count the bottles in the fridge for what was probably the millionth time. I was paranoid that somehow Sofia was going to run out and my baby would starve. Dramatic, I know but what could I say, becoming a mother made me more anxious than I ever have been before.

"Um around five I think" I reply, recalling the text I had read this morning. The mystery still remained if she would be bringing Mark with her or not considering all of the problems they've been having recently. I felt bad for her but at the same time, I couldn't blame Mark for wanting to pump the breaks a little bit. I surely wouldn't have even thought about having kids yet if I hadn't accidently gotten pregnant and truth be told, the only reason I was rushing down the aisle was to please Elliot's family...not that I could wait to marry him. He was my dream guy but admittedly, I used to think that couples my age that tied the knot were insane.

"Then she's running late" he says. I turn to look at the clock on the microwave and sure enough, it was fifteen minutes past five. She had to be arguing with Mark, it was the only time that she was ever less than punctual. "You don't think she forgot, do you?" he asks, redirecting Leah in her quest to crawl into the kitchen. I smile. He was so effortlessly good with her. I couldn't have asked for a better man to be her step-father.

"She's Sofia. I'm pretty sure she's incapable of forgetting things" I scoff at the same moment the doorbell rings. I point to the door as proof and head towards it, pulling it open to find both Sofia and Mark standing on the other side but she looks much more pleased to be here than he did. "Hey Sof."

"Hola chica" she replies, walking into the house and glancing over to Elliot. "Hey" she waves. He waves back while Mark awkwardly follows after his girlfriend into the house.

"Hi Mark" I greet him. He forces a smile as his way of greeting and I purse my lips, deciding not to press the conversation any further and instead make my way back towards Elliot, looking intently at my best friend. "Okay so, we'll just be at the bowling alley ten minutes down the road so if you need anything just call us and we'll be here in a flash. There are bottles in the fridge and she should be going down in about an hour or so" I list, trying to make sure I remember everything. "Her jammies are in her dresser and she will not sleep without her favorite stuffed animal-." Elliot puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Babe, I think they can handle it. Just, also make sure you keep an eye on her. She is crawling now" he explains and Sofia nods her head, seemingly taking in all the new information.

"Bottles, jammies and crawl patrol. Sounds easy enough. Now, stop worrying and go enjoy your night" she insists. I let out a soft chuckle, looking up to Elliot and biting into my bottom lip.

"Shall we?" I ask and he wastes no time in nodding his head and taking my hand in his.


"Ha. Another strike" Elliot boasts, walking off the lane and I scoff, crossing my arms over my chest. I swore the man had to be cheating. There was no way that he was just that good at bowling but then of course, he was good at everything he did. "You wanna keep going or should we just call it a night?" he asks teasingly. I flip him off and stand up to grab my ball, walking it up to the lane but then coming up with a brilliant idea.

"Hey babe" I begin, turning to face him. "Could you maybe...show me how?" I ask innocently. He quirks an eyebrow at me, catching onto my game with ease but he stands nonetheless and walks towards me.

"You need me to show you some maneuvers?" he asks and suddenly I want to show him some maneuvers of my own. My man was too damn fine and too well versed to be as innocent as he was.

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