3. Lying is Hard to Do

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A/N: Late update since I lost this book and it didn't reappear until last night but I was too exhausted from work to update. Hope you all enjoy the chapter and sorry for the wait but unfortunately this one was out of my control

The next morning I wake up before Molly and smile. It wasn't often that I woke up before her since usually she gets up crazily early in the morning with Leah but since Jason had her until tomorrow afternoon Molly had nothing to get her out of bed this morning.

I climb out of bed and walk off towards the kitchen and pull open the fridge. I grab a carton of eggs and the gallon of milk before shutting the doors and turning towards the counter. I figured Molly likes scrambled eggs but it occurs to myself that I'm actually not positive that she does. I sigh, deciding to make over easy eggs instead since they are my favorite and hope for the best.

Once the eggs are done I put some toast in the toaster and wait impatiently for it to pop up before spreading butter and strawberry jam on it. I place all the food onto plates and carry it towards our room as Molly is sitting up. "Woah" she comments. "What is all this?" she asks confusedly.

"Breakfast. I hope you like it" I add as I place the food in front of her. Her eyes widen.

"Babe these are all my favorites" she exclaims. "You're the best boyfriend ever" she adds as she leans in to kiss me before digging in. A moan of appreciation leaves her lips and I swear I could listen to it forever...not that I can, at least not until we're married.

I dig into my own food and she looks over at me. "Can I ask you something?" she asks and I nod. Molly could ask me anything. "I know it's because of your religion that you want to save yourself until marriage but I know a lot of religious people that have sex. Why is it so different for you?" she asks and I sigh. I couldn't explain why it was important to me, it was just always something I wanted to do. I never felt like I needed to have sex until I was married...that was until I met Molly. Now, it was all I thought about.

"I'm not sure" I reply honestly. "Premarital sex being a sin is something I learned when I was young and when I started dating I never felt like it was something that we had to do. I only want to share that with one person and that's the person I marry."

"What about if you meet the person you know you're going to marry but you're not technically married?" she asks and I shake my head.

"I want that commitment" I explain and she nods her head in understanding. I knew it probably wasn't the response she wanted but I couldn't lie to her and tell her there was a chance that I'd change my mind.

"Does it bother you that you won't be my first?" she asks, taking me by surprise. Of course it wasn't my favorite thing about Molly but that wasn't because I thought less of her it was because it drove me crazy that someone else had already had her in the way that I hope to have her someday.

"Just makes me nervous that I have to be better than him" I reply honestly. I had no doubt that Jason had slept with his fair share of women and probably knew exactly what he was doing while I was probably going to be a mess our first time. She chuckles.

"Don't worry so much about that" she insists. "I'll show you what to do" she adds with a smirk and I laugh as I lean in to kiss her. She smiles against my lips, reaching out to caress my cheek as her lips move softly against mine. "I love you" she murmurs against my lips.

"I love you more" I reply as I kiss her deeper but the doorbell puts an abrupt end to our making out and I groan as we're forced apart. "Dammit" I murmur. She laughs and I roll my eyes. "I'll get it."

I climb out of bed and head towards the door, pulling it open. My mouth drops open and my heart drops at the sight on the other side. "Hello son" my father says sternly.

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