Time flies⏰x.

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Day One...
Michaels POV
There still hadn't been no signs of Latice waking up soon but the doctors said I could stay with her and talk to her as it could increase how quickly she would wake up. I didn't know what to say... ''umm hey princess I don't know if you can hear this but your in a coma. The doctors said it will take a while for you to wake up but just to let you know I.... i love you'' I couldn't take it. I broke down. I needed Latice more than ever.
Latices POV
A coma. Shittt this is weird. I could hear Michael talking to me and then breaking down. It broke my heart. I wanted to jump out of the hospital bed and hug him right there and then. I could hear everything around him but I couldn't react. This is painful. I wanted to turn it all off...
Day Two...
Latices POV
I heard Michael come in whilst the doctor who had finished washing me left the room.''Hey princess how you feeling'' then I heard him sigh. He realised that I couldn't respond. I wanted to so bad. I wanted to show him a sign that I am still here for him but I couldn't. I tried to move I tried to scream but it was always in my mind. God please if you hear this please wake me up. Let me be with him please let me see him.
(Let's skip a few days )
Day Seven
Michaels POV
It's been days since Latice has been in a coma but I'm not giving up. I don't care how much it costs all I care about is her waking up. I had just came back from getting some lunch. I sit down and decide to tell her about what's happening ''so your mom called me today and said she wished she could be here but the airports have been locked off. She sends her prayers and your whole family does as well. Shante misses you she said if you don't wake up soon she finna best yo ass '' I chuckled Shante is such a good friend and now I understand why Latice talks about her so much. I grabbed Latices hand ''come on baby show me a sign please''. I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror. Damm what has happened to me. My hair is a mess there are bags under my eyes from lack of sleep, my beard is looking nappy as fuck. I need to fix myself. Just in case Latice wakes up I don't want her seeing this ugly ass. I bend down to the bed and say ''Baby I'm gonna be a couple hours I'm gonna fix myself up for you '' I kissed her on the forehead and walked out 
Latices POV
I wanted to cry. Michael has been here every single day filling me in on what has happened and there is no way to react. I miss him. I miss my mum and Shante I want to talk to them. But I can't. I'm still pissed at Michael and it will take some time to get back to normal and it's still hard to understand why he did this. I wish I could ask him but God knows that won't happen...
Day Eight
Michaels POV
I had slept over in the hospital on a pull up bed and I had made sure my beard was clean I had a shower and got some sleep. I slept right next to Latice hand in hand. Today I asked if I could do some on the jobs like wash her body and change her clothes. I felt if she knew familiar hands touching her it would trigger her waking up for her coma. Dante and Carlos have come around once in a while to check up on me and sort of meet Latice. The were good friends to me and always made sure if I needed something I would get it. Today I was just talking to Latice about gaming and comics really to see if she would react. I hope she did. I really did...
Latices POV
''So baby fortnite is bringing out a new season and hopefully we could play together if you want. Baby try show me a sign if you'd like that'' he said. I felt him sigh after a while. I wanted to show him a sign. I really did. So I tried and tried as hard as I could. Eventually after about 10 minutes I decided to try one last time and it worked I squeezed his hand and I felt it. I felt him jolt in surprise then he yelled ''DOCTOR !!!DOCTOR PLEASE COME NOW LATICE HAS MADE A SIGN PLEASE COME NOW!!'' A rush of excitement came over me as I started to squeeze his hand again and again. My prayers have been listened. There is a chance.
Michaels POV
When I felt her squeeze my hand I was so relieved and when the doctor came in she kept on doing it over and over again '' THIS IS A SIGN RIGHT?!!RIGHT?!''  I asked the doctor that came in ''Mr Jordan this is a sign and it must be very exciting for you but we shouldn't push to conclusions as this is the only sign she has showed so far'' even though it broke my heart I understood that it was true. I couldn't speak so I nodded in response. ''I leave you alone now''the doctor said and she walked out. ''Well dome princess you getting there, sooner or later you will wake up. I love you so much you know.''
Latices POV
I will wake up. And I will try my best to wake up not just for Michael but for myself...


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