No regrets ❌

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Michaels POV
I flash back into reality and Nicky is on top of me throwing punches to my face, my body and anywhere else possible. I tried to fight him off but he was stronger and I was already weak.

''Ppplease ssstop'' I grunted whilst blood trailed down into my mouth.

''Na pussywhole your getting what you deserve and I won't regret any of this'' a sly grin was slapped across his face.

My chest heaves in out out rapidly as I try and gasp for air but that is stopped by a firm tight grip around my neck. I try and remove his grip but it's gets firmer and firmer. In this moment all I can think about is Latice and leaving her. God please help me. My vision started to get blurry.

Which then led to nothing.

Nickys POV
Now it's time to get my girl.

Latices POV
After about an hour of shopping and driving, I finally reached back to Michaels. As I grabbed the bags and headed to the front door I could see that is was slightly ajar. At first I didn't think anything of it but then I saw someone laying passed out on the floor.

I quickly flung open the door to see Michael laying there's with cuts and bruises all across his face and blood splattered every where. I froze in fear. At first I stood there trying to focus on what was happening and the next thing I know is that I've dropped to the floor crying.

''Michael come on baby please wake up.WAKE UP!!'' I yell trying to shake him.

I grabbed my bag from the front door and snatched my phone out to call the police.


I throw the phone across the room and focus all my attention on Michael. I run to the sink and grab a cloth and wet it with water and try to clean his face. Who had done this to him? Why?

Tears fell down my face like a water fall and I couldn't control it. I cried constantly until the ambulance came and was only able to control it for a little while.

''Ma'am we have been able to steady his pulse so he will be alright. We haven't seen any major things like internal bleeding but he does have a broken nose and arm. We have given him sedatives for now but we need to do further examination and treatment in the hospital'' one of the paramedics said

''Oh thank you so much!'' I say with as a huge relief has been lifted off my shoulders

''May I ask who you are to him ma'am?'' He asks once I have calmed down

''Oh I'm his girlfriend'' I replied.
He nodded in response and the rest of the journey was in silence.

Once we eventually reached the hospital I was separated from Michael and had to sit in the waiting room. Luckily no one was in there so I decided to call my mum and tell her what happened.

''Hey sweetie are you okai?'' Was the first think my mum said and when I heard her voice I broke down crying.

''What's the matter hun?'' She said the concern rising in her voice. Once I had calmed down from crying I spilled my guts out to her.

''Mum so I came home from going to the store and Michael was passed out on the floor with blood, bruises and cuts all over his face and his pulse was weakening and I called the ambulance and now he's in the hospital and I don't know what to do''.

''Oh baby I'm so sorry to hear that but i know in my heart that he will be okai. He loves you too much to leave you honestly '' she replied

''Thanks mum'' I said.

After a long conversation with her I needed the call feeling much better than before. After about 20 minutes of waiting the paramedic who attended to Michael came around the corner with a doctor and pointed towards me.

I stood up and headed towards them.
''Hello is everything okai?'' I ask

''Yes everything is fine miss in just wanted to tell you that we have cleaned up Michaels wounds and he is awake if you want to go and see him.''

''Yes please and will he have to stay overnight?'' I reply

''Yes he will as we need to just watch him overnight and see if he has a bad reaction to the medication we have given him. You can stay overnight with him we will just bring in another bed''

''Thank you doctor'' I say as I head to his room.

When I enter Michael is sitting upright with a cast on his right arm and a bunch of stitches across his face. He looks up and his face brightens.

''Hey Princess'' he says

''Michael are you okai do you know who done this to you?'' He was silent for a second and then eventually spoke up.

''I was Nicky he's in California...'' he replied

My heart dropped. Nicky? Here? In Cali? How?

''Bae are you sure ?'' I say my voice still trembling

''Yea I remember the picture you showed me and that's the same dude that pulled up at the house'' he replied

''Oh shit babe I'm so sorry I didn't mean for this to happen it's all my fault'' I cry as I walk over to his bed. At first he doesn't say anything but looks at me then with his left hand wipes my tears away.

''Come and sit next to me Princess'' he pats the space next to him and I follow in his command and gently cuddle up next to him trying not to hurt him.

''Listen babygirl it's not your fault honestly. You shouldn't feel bad about anything.''

''I'm still sorry baby'' I say and kiss him on the lips. 

''Argh be careful bae'' he says in a jokey tone.

Later in the evening

I woke up in the middle of the night needing to pee real quick. So I hopped out of the bed and headed down the hospital halls to the bathroom. After I had finished I washed my hands and started to walk out. Suddenly I felt myself bump into someone but I wasn't looking as my head was turnt away from theme .

''Oh sorry my fa-'' I try to say but I was cut off

''Miss me sweet cheeks'' the unknown person said.

'' What the fuck Nicky''


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