Part One

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The next week was possibly the most hectic week of Dan's life, although he did his best to hide it from Phil. He spent all day Monday making last minute calls and adjustments with the hopes of making their rendezvous run as seamlessly as possoble. The two boys had spent all day and night Tuesday packing, trying desperately not to forget anything they would need.

"Packed enough black have you?" Phil had joked as Dan folded his all-black wardrobe into his suitcase.

"At least my socks match," Dan had teased with a flirtatious wink.

On Wednesday, Phil had chemotherapy. Dan was a little nervous about it at first, but Phil was so excited to leave for France on Friday that the treatment barely affected his mood at all.

But now it was Thursday, and Dan sat at the kitchen table, hovering over his laptop, trying to make sure he hadn't forgotten anything.

"Babe?" Phil's voice came from behind Dan, startling him.

Phil wrapped his arms around Dan from behind and said gently, "I really don't think there can possibly be much more for you to worry about."

"I just need to make sure I haven't forgotten anything!" Dan said.

Phil ran his hands up Dan's back to his shoulders. Massaging them a little, he said, "You need to take a break." Dan turned his head to look at Phil who planted a quick kiss on his lips.

"Maybe you're right," Dan sighed, "I think I'm just stressing over nothing at this point."

Phil kissed the back of Dan's neck, sending a shiver down his spine, "I know you are, baby," he said, "Come on, I'm really tired. Will you come lay with me?"

Dan looked at him and smiled, "Of course I will."

Phil took Dan's hand in his and lead him to his bedroom. He lied down on the bed and Dan snuggled tight next to him, lying his head on Phil's chest. Phil pulled the duvet over their bodies and squeezed Dan tightly against him. "I love you," he said softly, kissing the top of Dan's head.

Dan looked up at Phil, grinning, "I love you too, Phil."

"Good," Phil said, wrapping his arm around Dan, pulling him in closer. Dan nuzzled Phil's neck, kissing it softly. Phil let out a small moan.

"You like that?" Dan laughed, gently placing another kiss on Phil's neck.

"Yeah," Phil smiled, running his fingers through the hair on the back of Dan's head, "I like everything you do."

"Everything?" Dan asked, a mischievous tone in his voice.

"Yes," Phil smiled, "Everything."

"Really, hmm, that's very interesting," Dan said, sitting up, "Everything I do. So I guess that includes.. THIS!" Dan pounced on Phil playfully on the last word, tickling his ribs.

A fit of laughter burst out of Phil's mouth. "Dan stop! Get off!" he begged through laughing fits. "Dan, please!" Phil laughed, covering his face with his hand.

Dan stopped tickling him and grabbed his arms, pinning him to the bed. "Don't do that!" he said, "You always do that!"

"Do what?" Phil asked, confused.

"Cover your face," Dan said, "When you laugh you always cover your face. Stop it." Dan said.

"What? What are you talking about?" Phil laughed.

"See there," Dan said, still pinning Phil's arms down, "Your smile is so cute, and you're always covering it up!"

Phil blushed, "My smile isn't that cu--"

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