Part Three

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The next day, Dan decided that Paris was the most wonderful place he had been in his entire life. Phil couldn't do much walking so the couple decided to take the days slow. That morning, the two of them slept in and, after ordering room service and eating a breakfast-in-bed featuring many cuddles and kisses on the nose, took the train to the Eiffel Tower. Dan was in awe of the enormous structure from the moment he'd layed eyes on it. The detailing and sheer size of the tower was enough to take his breath away.

The Seine River ran through the city next to the tower. Between the river and the tower was a park with a thin sand beach speckled with benches and trees. As they walked through the sand, Dan and Phil found themselves surrounded by smiling couples and families. 

"Isn't it wonderful?" Phil asked,as they neared the tower, a wide smile spreading across his face. Maybe it wasn't just the ciy that was taking Dan's breath away. 

"Yeah it is," Dan said, smiling. He could feel his face flush a little. "Do you hear that, Phil?"  he asked, the soft sound of music floated towards them.

"Oh, look!" Phil pointed toward a young blonde woman who was perched on a bench playing the cello. "She's good; that's beautiful!"

"It is, yeah," Dan said distractedly, eyeing Phil. 

"What?" Phil asked noticing Dan's stares, "Why are you looking at me like that?" 

"Because I love you," Dan replied. He reached over and took Phil's hand, catching him a little off guard. 

"What're you--" Phil's question was cut off as Dan lifted his hand, twirling Phil around under his arm. "Dan! We're in public!" Phil whispered through his teeth, unsuccessfully attempting to wring his hand out of Dan's.

"Phil, we're in Paris," Dan said, placing his free hand tenderly on Phil's waist. 

Phil's shot Dan a face of ultimate protest. "But Dan--"

"Please," Dan's brown eyes met Phil's, leaving him speechless, "I love you."

"I love you too Dan, but--"

"Then dance with me," Dan whispered, leaning in, placing his forehead against Phil's, "Please." 

Phil drew a deep breath. Still unsure, he placed his hand uneasily on Dan's shoulder. A smile broke out across Dan's face as he stepped gently to the left. Phil stumbled a little, but Dan tightened his grip on his waist to keep him steady. "You okay?" he asked uneasily, but Phil smiled up at him. "Never better," he said.


"I'm in good hands." he said quietly. He straightned himself up, putting a little more weight on Dan's shoulder.

"It's okay," Dan replied, "I've got you babe." 

The couple resumed their dance, a little hesitant at first, but next thing they knew, the two boys were laughing and dancing to the rhythm that the cellist created so easily. 

"You're good at this," Phil said as they waltzed. 

"What? Dancing? No, not really," Dan said, blushing. 

"Yes, you are!" Phil insisted, looking Dan in the eye, smiling uncontrollably.

"What?" Dan asked. 

"You're just so.." Phil's voice trailed off.

"What?" Dan questioned.

"Nevrmind," Phil averted his eyes, a little embarrassed. 

"Tell me!" Dan teased, spinning Phil once more. 

"Ugh, you're just so.. Idon't even know, I jus tcan't take my eyes off of you," Phil said, drawing near to Dan once again, "You're beautiful."

Dan blushed and pulled Phil as close to him as possible, "I love you, Phil."

"I love you too, Dan," Phil said, resting his head on Dan's shoulder as they rocked slowly back and fourth in time with the music, which had slowed dramatically. Dan wrapped both of his arms around Phil's waist, planting a small kiss on the top of his head. 

"How you feelin'?"

"A little tired now actually," Phil admitted. 

"Well we can't have that!" Dan whispered, pulling away from Phil. He took his hand and led him over to the stone wall which separated the park from the river below. He placed his hands on Phil's waist and lifted him up onto the wall. "Better?" he asked, leaning on Phil's legs, looking up at him.

"Much," Phil replied, wrapping his legs around Dan, pulling him in. He leaned down and planted a gentle kiss on his cheek. "Oh, look at that!" Phil turned Dan around and wrapped his arms around him from behind. "Isn't it beautiful?" he pointed toward the tower.

"Shall we go up?" Dan asked after a few moments of staring at the structure. 

"Yeah, help me down?" Phil asked, reaching out his hands. Dan lifted him off the wall and planted him gently on the ground. He clung to Dan's arm, struggling to regain his balance.

"You sure you're up for walking?" Dan asked, concerned.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine!"

Dan reached in his backpack and pulled out a retractable cane.


"Yes," Dan said.

"I don't need it," Phil protested.

"Yes you do," Dan said, "And if you don't use it, you're only going to need it more."


"Please," Dan said, "The last thing I need is for you to get worse."

"Okay," Phil said, taking the cane from Dan and "I'm sorry."

"It's okay," Dan said as they started to walk again, "I just worry about you. I'm scared you're doing too much."

 "If it gets too much I'll tell you, " Phil said, "I promise," he added, noticing Dan's doubtful look. 

"I just love you too much," Dan said, "I don't want anything to happen to you."

"It won't," Phil smiled, "I promise."

"Good!" Dan said. He just wished he could believe him. 

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