ErrorMare || Hanahaki Disease

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A/n : Hanahaki Disease is a fictional disease, often used in fan fiction. Where the victim regurgitates and coughs up flower petal when they suffer from unrequited love. the illness only can be cured through surgical removal, however any existing romantic feelings are also removed with the infection.

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"Nightmare! Nightmare!" Error yelled, Looking at the phased Nightmare. This days Nightmare had been off and had a daydream in his own fantasy. Error was worried about Nightmare, Nightmare might be haven't eat till he wasn't focused. Nightmare shook awake and laughed nervously as his cheeks were covered in dark midnight blue blush.

"Hehe sorry Error, Your cupcake was delicious as always!" Nightmare smiled, Eating the chocolate chips cupcake Error had made in his home. Nightmare stared at someone special, He was Cross. Cross was handsome, popular and mysterious guy in here, Almost everyone girl adore him, Including Nightmare.

Error frowned, "You looked off, You aren't as talkative as usual. What happened?" Error asked as his ears were opened to hear nightmare explanation. This is really making Error worried, He doesn't want something bad happen to his friend.

Nightmare just shook Error off, "It's nothing important, Don't worry about me Error. Just someone stuck in my mind." Nightmare blushed as he imagined Cross pinned him to the wall, Flirting him and seduce him till his heart melt into water. Then Cross pressed their lips together and stay together forever.

Error nodded in understanding, He hoped that person was him but Nightmare never tell Error. Of course Nightmare would be embarrassed to talk something like that. I mean, It's understandable. "Ohhh that girl or guy must be Lucky." Error smiled, Patting Nightmare's back softly.

Nightmare liked Error, As a friend of course. Error was nice, caring and understand him in sad or happy condition. Error also had a great patience, He never get mad at Nightmare or other person. Nightmare was happy to be Error's friend. Error never knew, That Nightmare only thinks him as a friend, Not a lover.

"Error... Um... I like Cross..." Nightmare spoke, Blushing furiously as he covered his face with his hands. Error's eyes widened at that statement, He could hear the tears were demanding to be free from his eyes. His mouth gaped open in shock yet his face showed a pained expression. Error took a deep breathe, Realizing he was sad and Angry as he let out his deep breathe.

He took Nightmare's hand and pulled it away from nightmare's face, Error smiled a convincing smile. "Woah! He is so Lucky! Why don't you confess?" Error asked as he giggled when he saw Nightmare blushed even more. "It will be so embarrassing!" Nightmare squeaked. Error laughed softly as he looked down, Letting go of Nightmare's hands. He knew, Nightmare didn't love him. He loves Cross.

Nightmare's eyes widened as he saw Cross walked pass by. Cross walked to Dream, His brother. Cross and Dream were talking and having fun together, They looked so close and romantic. Error saw that as well, He took that chance because Nightmare can love Error back if Error gives him enough time.

However Nightmare was taken back by Cross and Dream, Something stabbed his soul and ripped into pieces. Nightmare's face darkened as he stood up and ran away from Error, Error tried to stop nightmare but Nightmare had gone too far till Error couldn't find him. Error sighed, "Nightmare... I know it hurts..." Error mumbled.

Error stood up slowly as he passed Dream and Cross, He accidentally heard something shocking. "Dream, I-I like your brother... I don't k-know how he feels about me." Within that Error stood there, Froze in his place. Cross likes Nightmare back, Nightmare likes Cross as well. He coughed as bloods and flower petals came out of his

"I-idiot... Hehe... I'm an idiot..." He muttered as he puked.

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Nightmare cried softly as he was on his bed, Hugging the pillow tightly. He coughed softly as flower petals came out of his mouth. His eyes widened when he coughed out flower petals, He immediately pulled out his laptop and imediately searched for it in Google.


Hanahaki Disease

A disease where the victim coughs flower petals. It can be caused by unreturned love. It can caused an ultimate death if it keeps going. Only can be cured by a returned love and surgical removal. Surgical removal causes a high payment and the surgical must once a month.

Nightmare's eyes widened at the ultimate death. he will die slowly and painfully just because he had unreturned love. If he has a lot of Money... Maybe he will stay alive... He sighed. Days passed by as Nightmare's coughing fit get worse and worsen. He had coughed up bloods and flower petals instead now.

"Nightmare... Are you ok-" Nightmare hear a voice calling him but immediately cut of by their gasp. Nightmare shakily looked up as he saw Error. Error's eyes widened when he saw bloods and flower petals on the floor. Error decided to pay a visit but this is not what Error expected.

"I-Is that... Flowers?" Error mumbled, Looking at Nightmare in disbelief.

"You have Hanahaki disease Nightmare...?" Error mumbled again.

"E-error..." Nightmare shakily spoke as he coughed heavily.

Error didn't have choice but make Cross and Nightmare United. "Now, Now... Nightmare, You don't know Cross likes you or not if you don't confess..." Error patted Nightmare's back as he helped him stand up. Error was a great liar for good reasons, At least by covering the truths, He can save at least someone.

He lied to Nightmare for Nightmare's good. Now... Sacrifice may worth....

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"Error... I'm not sure of this... " Nightmare muttered.

"Go for it, He will accept you. I'm sure of that." Error smiled, Giving Nightmare thumbs up.

Cross walked pass by as Error pushed Nightmare to Cross. "H-hi Cross!" Nightmare stuttered as he blushed heavily.

"Hey Nightmare." Cross smiled with a little blush on his cheeks.

"I-I... I love you, D-Do you want to be my boyfriend?" Nightmare asked, Blushing furiously.

Cross was taken back, "Yeah! I do love too! I-I... I also love you too Nighty." Cross smiled.

Nightmare smiled happily as he hugged Cross, Knowing Error was true, Speaking of Error, HE didn't see Error anywhere. His phone suddenly beeping.

Error : Hihi told cha! He likes you back XP

Error : Sorry, Blue needs my help so I leave you with Cross. Have fun you two! X3

Nightmare : Oh okay! Thank you Error!

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Error coughed heavily as he painfully dying. He looked at his own reflection in the mirror, He smiled painfully. "I-I'm an idiot...."

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A/n : Errorizsenpai an angst Error mare for you :3

I'm lack of inspiration so sorry XD

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