ErrorMare [] Neko

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The plot of this story was created and requested by goldpinkachu

1) Ship : Neko Error X Abusive Master Nightmare
2) Angst : 3/5
3) Abusive Relationship
4) Sub Error, Dom Nightmare

I'm too lazy to type so I copy paste from Errorizsenpai's rps xD Errorizsenpai, you can copy all of this and paste on your ErrorMare book too. Because this story owned by both of us in rps chat.

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Error is a neko and was adopted by Nightmare. He thought Nightmare was nice and kind but he was abusive, Just like the other owners

Nightmare stalked down the halls, a belt in his hand as he screamed Error's name. He was pissed, and he wanted to hurt Error

Error's ears perked up when he heard Nightmare called him. He gulped softly and ran to Nightmare, He was afraid of him but at the same time love him as his owner. "Y-yes master?" He asked softly

Nightmare grabbed Error and slammed him against the wall. "Stay still!" He hissed as he began whipping Error with the belt, yelling insults at him

Error cried out in pain, Holding his ears and closed them, Trying to block the insults. His old wounds reopened and new wounds created. He felt so much pain as he let himself get whipped by him. "S-sorry master! P-please stop!" He begged

"Never!" He screamed at him, whipping him harder. "You've disappointed me too much you slave!"

"S-sorry! I-I won't d-dissap- Ahh! Point you again master!" Error cried softly as his body shaked at the immense pains he got, Crying softly and trying to keep his voice low

"Liar!" He hissed, grabbing Error and slamming his head against the wall multiple times, he grabbed his cat ears and tugged on them, hoping to pull them right off.

Error cried even more as his ears torn a little and it felt like it can go off any moment. The pain was so unbearable for him and he want it to stop. His tail swinging in pain while he was hissing, "A-AHHH! IT HURTS!"

Nightmare put the belt around Error's threat and tightened it to choke him. "Shut up! I don't want to hear your hideous voice!"

Error cried silently as his voice were muffled by the choking. He coughed heavily and his body went limp, Unable to move at all

Nightmare growled at Error's body. His rage and anger began to fade, as he realized what he did. It wasn't that he regretted it though. He did realize he felt a little off, though

Error slowly slid to the wall as bloods came out from his arms and heads. His tears were dried on his cheeks as he coughed heavily, "S-sorry..." He chocked out. "M-master..."

Nightmare scoffed and picked him up, taking him to his head. He didn't want Error to die yet, he liked using him as a slave. He noticed his vision getting kinda blurry as he walked down the halls

Error stared at his master as he was picked up by him. At least his master still cares about him for his abuse, Unlike the others. His eyes widened as he noticed Nightmare's eyes getting blurry as he blinked a few times. "M-master? A-are you okay...?"

Nightmare tried to yell not to worry about him, but found himself able to do so. He dropped Error as he stumbled, falling to his knees and coughing harshly

Error ran to Nightmare, Patting his back gently as he shaked Nightmare while asking him if he was okay. "O-Oh my gosh, Y-you are sick!" Error muttered as he tried to help Nightmare to stand up

Nightmare grabbed Error's shoulder, unable to stand up without help. Blood seeped from his mouth, falling to the floor as he continued to harshly cough

Error wiped Nightmare's blood and carried him to his room. He wasn't really strong but he able to drag Nightmare to there, He coughed a little as he placed Nightmare on the bed. "P-please rest master!"

Nightmare rolled over on the bed, clutching his chest as he tried to calm his coughing fit. "I-I'm f-fine-" he managed to choke out before erupting into a coughing fit again

Error ran and grabbed a glass of water, Coming back with it. "N-no! You aren't f-fine! L-let me treat you!" Error stuttered as he helped Nightmare on drinking the water while patting his back gently

It soothed Nightmares throat, and he slowly stopped coughing, yet he was really cold.

Error gave Nightmare thick blankets as he closed the windows and doors so the wind won't come. He put a clothes that soaked with warm water on Nightmare's forehead, "I h-hope this work..." Error muttered

Nightmare closed his eyes, falling unconscious. He lost a fair share of blood from coughing it up, and was kinda pale

Error panicked and slowly placed Nightmare on the bed, Putting pillow behind his head. He pulled out Nightmare's soul and gasped when he saw something wrong with it. "M-master..." Error mumbled.

Nightmare wasn't breathing very well, his soul beating very slowly. The soul itself looked sickly, dead in a few parts even.

Error gulped, The only way to heal his master is by sacrificing other soul and he didn't know anybody was willing to sacrifice them self for Nightmare. Error sighed softly, "I-I need to sacrifice myself."

Nightmare limply laid on the bed as his soul went back in his chest

Error pulled out his soul and gulped softly. He put his soul in Nightmare's chest softly, While combining his soul with Nightmare's. "S-sorry master."

Nightmare's eyes slowly opened, he felt better.. how? He though he was dying. "E-Error?" He called out, slowly sitting up as his vision focused

Error smiled softly as tears were falling from his eyes. His legs were shaky as he fell down to the floor and coughed harshly, "D-do you feel better master?"

Nightmare threw the covers off him and rushed to Error's side, holding him up. "What happened?!" He screamed, shocked and worrying for the other. "

Error's legs slowly dusting along with his tail. He smiled and leaned on Nightmare, "T-this is the f-first time you worry about m-me..." Error coughed heavily

Nightmare held Error close. "I'm sorry.. I'm so, so sorry.." he sobbed quietly.

Nightmare shakily raised his hand, stroking Error as he would a cat. "G-goodnight.. sweetheart.."

Error leaned on his touch, Purring softly. "N-night.... M-master...? Do you l-love me...?" Error asked for the last time as his arms shattering

Nightmare nodded. "I love you.." he cried. "I love you.."

"H-hehe! This is the h-happiest day in my life!" Error giggled as he was fully disappeared.

Nightmare shakily breathed as he sobbed silently into his hands. He never realized how much he had. It's like that saying, you never know how much you love someone until you loose them.

Plot twist :
Ghost Error just smiled and silently wrapped his arms around Nightmare's back, Mumbling I love you too. Only Nightmare could hear him, But he couldn't see him.

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