ErrorMare [] AnimalVerse #1

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Greetings ladies and gentle men! Today I have a special episode for you! Today the chapter was about AV! Error and AV! Nightmare. AV was short of AnimalVerse! AnimalVerse was a cool multiverse where Error was a skunk while Nightmare was a badger! AnimalVerse was created by DapperDeer and both of us had planned this out!

I own nothing except the plot. The characters and multiverse belongs to DapperDeer.
This is fluff because the story was too long and I need to cut it into few parts.
Actually this was angst, But let me make it fluffy first because we both had decided it will be the best way to start it with some fluff and cuteness.

Warning : I'm not the best if it comes to fluff

Also- KinkyLilShiet this is fluff- As you requested it xD

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Error yawned softly as his tail wrapped around his body to give warmth. His ears were lowered down as he laid on the sofa softly. He was tired and his energy was drained after building a house that he had spent in three months. He was also sad that Ink laughed at him for building a terrible house and almost drown his house.

It's a relief Error had caught his house by wrapping his blue strings before it's happening. Ink had left, Probably visiting Cross, His crush or Dream, His friends. It's funny to see a deer and a fox together, Really funny yet unique. Error sighed as he hugged the pillow and stared to the television as his tail swished softly while his ears perked down.

At the same time, Nightmare entered the anti void and found a house built in the middle of it. He was in aggressive form which was a badger. Yep, 1/3 skeleton, 1/3 octopus and 1/3 badger. His tail swished along with the movements of his tentacles. "Error..." Nightmare spoke monotone as he knocked the front door.

Error's ears perked up as his tail standing tall, A little bit surprised that someone is coming to his newly made house. "Nightmare?" He mumbled as he stood up from his laying position and ran to the front door as he opened it, Revealing the badger with a plain look. Error smiled as his tail swished in excitement, "Nightmare!" He giggled and stepped aside, Letting him in.

Nightmare nodded as he stepped inside the house while Error closed the door, Leading Nightmare to the living room. Nightmare took a sit at the edge of the sofa as Error sat beside Nightmare. "What brings you here Nightmare?" Error asked as he tilted his head to the side. Error's right ear perked up while the other was down.

Nightmare grunted as he folded both of his hands, "Cross was being clingy over chocolate again, Dust and Horror fights for cookies while running around the castle, Killer was throwing food and the last thing happen was food wars." Nightmare spoke with pure irritation as he laid his head on the sofa, Relazing a little bit.

"Oh... You can stay here if you want!" Error exclaimed as he pumped his fist in excitement. "Also what do you want to do now? Watching Movies?" Error asked as he bent down and checking some DVDs and foods such as chips and sodas. Nightmare nodded plainly , Putting his legs on the table.

"Yeah, It would be nice." Nightmare smiled as Error switched the movie to horror movie called Slender Man. Slender Man is released this August and was newly made based on a slender man game but with more characters in it. He had lots of other movie such as Incredible 2, Avenger Infinity War, Wreck if Ralph 2, The Ant Man and The Wasp and many more but he prefer Horror movie now because Nightmare likes Horror movie.

Error sat beside Nightmare as he subconsciously rested his head on Nightmare's shoulder. He held the chips as he ate it slowly as the movie started. Nightmare looked at the skunk who was resting his head on his shoulder, Nightmare sighed softly and ignored it. He sipped on the soda which was named Coca Cola as he watched the movie begins.

For the opening, It was boring for sure. When it comes to the middle of the movie, It starts getting thrilling because there's three women walked in a creepy vacation, Finding lots of pictures and notes around the place. The pictures show creepy acts such as killing/murdering, a shadowy figure, a tentacle figure like himself and a small child.

Error gulped as he hugged Nightmare's arm tightly, Staring closely to the movie. His arms sweated and his hands were cold. "AAHHH!" Error screamed as he hided his face in Nightmare's chest when the jump scare happened. Nightmare flinched at the sudden scream as he looked down at Error who was shaking in fear in his chest.

Nightmare chuckled softly at Error's cute yet childish act. Nightmare's tail wrapped around Error's body in a comforting way, While his hand slowly petting Error's ears. "Heh, Cute." Nightmare subconsciously blurted out as he stroked Error's ears gently while caressing Error's back head.

Error blushed softly at Nightmare's word and squeaked in embarrassment. His face was dusted with yellow hue as he clutched on Nightmare's shirt, Hiding his face from Nightmare. Error enjoyed the petting as he purred softly, Snuggling into Nightmare's touch. "Mmh~" Error purred, Hugging Nightmare softly, His body went fully limp and let Nightmare do whatever he wants.

Nightmare chuckled as he rubbed Error's jawline like an owner would do to their pet. Error tensed as he let out a bigger purr, Leaning on Nightmare's touch. Nightmare's other hand went to the back of Error. He slid his hand inside Error's shirt and caressed his spine slowly in a comforting way. Hush away sinners, This is fluff not lemon.

"Ahh... It feels amazing!" Error purred in relief as his face on Nightmare's lap while the rest of his body was on the sofa. He really enjoys being petted by someone in the spot such as ears, jawline or spine. It drives him to crazy, It's a full bliss. But he doesn't know what the future will hold...

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