ErrorMare ~ Cat Fights P2 (NEW YEAR SPECIAL)

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Nightmare woke up from his sleep and looking at Error that still sleeping beneath him, as he looks at his ears that already cleaned by Ink. He moves his body away from Error, blushing softly as he jumps down from the table, feeling a bit hot and weird. "M- mhm.. What's wrong with me..." He asked to himself while going to his small bed, humping the blanket softly and he gasped

Error was still asleep, Looking so peaceful and quiet. He smiled softly as he snuggled into the blanket he had as he opened his legs. He didn't realize it because of he as asleep.

His nose was twitched, smelling something that making him needy. It was Error's scent, he gets closer to Error, smelling on him with loud purr. And looking down at his legs that opened, he panted softly and rubbing his nose on his balls, while blushing brightly, he doesn't know why he did this

Nightmare panted softly, whem his heat body rising up and his vision blurred, "t- the smell in here.. Really great.." He said murmured softly while licking his balls without realizing it and biting on it softly

"N-nyAhah~!" Error moaned in pleasure when Nightmare suddenly licking and biting his sensitive balls. "N-nighty~! S-staph!" He moaned as he tried to push him away

He keeps licking him and still panting. He looks at Error and then crawling on top of him. "M- my body feeling weird.." He murmured, and licks Error's lips, until on his ears, giving a soft nibble as well. His feet were rubbing against his balls, and his body getting sensitive every time he smells Error's scent

Error purred in pleasure as he panted heavily. His body slowly get warm as he was sweating and felt sensitive. "N-nyAhh N-nighty~ a-aHhn~" He moaned as he ground back on him.

Nightmare blushing, he never experience this or something, it just feels new for him. He chuckles, and biting on his neck, waiting for Error's dick sprung out "mhm~ s- so nice~" He purred and drooling slightly

Error kept mewl in pleasure as his small dick slowly sprung out. Cute yet tiny dick in front of Nightmare. He looked at Nightmare in an embarrassed look, "N-nuUu! D-don't y-you dare t-touch it!"

Nightmare face blushed brightly, as he touches with his paw, gently rubbing it with his heart beating faster. "W- wow. S- so cute.. Small.. And pinkish.." He panted, and smirked at Error, keep rubbing it. "Heh~ I can't resist touching your small dick, Ruru~"

Error blushed, even more, His heart beat so fast as he stared at his small dick being molested by Nightmare. "N-nUuuu~ K-kyaahH~ A-ahNnn m-mY d-DickkKk~!" He moaned in pleasure

Nightmare giggles and licking his dick with his warm and hard texture tongue, as he purred "mhm~ the smell is really nice~" He said quietly, as he looked down at his crotch his dick was sprung out as well, leaking a bit of pre-cum and his dick was bigger. His pre-cum has the scent of grape and milk-ish smell

Error drooled at the sight of it and he thought it was milk. Cats love milk. He crawled to Nightmare's dick as he naughtily licked it, Drinking the cums. "M-mHHh~ n-nYahH~ S-so t-tAsty~!" He smiled as he kissed the dick

Nightmare gasped in pleasure as his body twitching along with his dick, and making more of the cum leaking. "H- hey Error! I- I didn't tell mnh~ you t- to lick e- either drink it~!" He moaned as he buckles his hips more, growling softly

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