ErrorMare || Cursed

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A 7 years old kid named Error smiles as he runs to the park where he used to play with his friends. He and his friends had been planning on picking a doll each to bring it home. But they pick the doll from a tree that used to known as Cursed Tree.

He doesn't know why but his parents always warn him not to pick any dolls from the tree because of how cursed they are. His parents say if he picks the door,  A ghost will come and curse the picker and get killed within 2 days.

Before their death, The ghost will haunt them and drive them to sleepless night. The ghost will makes them able to go through painful undetected moment till the ghost is satisfied. The ghosts are random and based on what dolls do you pick.

He and his friends will test it out by picking the dolls. He doesn't really know or care the consequences. All he cares are the doll is cute and he wants to pick one of it to be cuddle with at home.

He loves doll after all!
Especially handmade puppets!

If anyone ask why there are dolls hanging on the tree? Then the answer is the tree is cursed. So within a month, At least one family must make a doll and hang it on the tree to keep the dark monsters trapped. They believe doll have a small soul that can be played with the demon of that cursed tree.

That tree is so big so that's why people can hang the dolls there without worrying the space too much. They also believe by hanging a doll to a tree will give their family protection from the ghost or demons lurked inside of it.

There's also a story where a kid steals the doll and suddenly dies unreasonable within 3 days after that kid picked the doll. No one knows what happen to the kid. He is not drowned, choked, stabbed, starved or poisoned. It still been a mystery for decades and the polices gave up on trying to solve this mystery. In exchange, They suspect that if anyone pick a doll/steal a doll from that cursed tree, Then they will be cursed for their whole life.

Back to the real life!

Error is with hos friends now. They are Ink, Blue, Outer, Lust and Theo (TheoEvelyn). Error smiles happily and prepares lots of rock to be thrown at the doll.

"Ready?" He asks at his friends.



"I'm scared..."


"Let's go!"

"3, 2, 1 Go!" Error cheers as he starts throwing a rock at random dolls along with his friends. One by one the doll starts falling and lands on the ground. All of them grin and takes a doll each.

Ink gets a doll which is a skeleton. He wears yellow tiara and cape. It has stars on his eyes and cape. He wears some kind like superman clothing but yellow version. It's adorable for Ink (BuT DeAdLy inTimIdatIng)

Blue gets a skeleton doll with a knife in its hand. Its eyes are red and blue. It wears a blue hoodie and black t-shirt underneath it. It also wears red scarf around its neck. It's cute and both of them can be scarf buddies! :D (mUrdEroUs knIfE)

Outer gets a skeleton with a glasses on. It wears a lab coat and dark blue shirt underneath. Its holding a small pen and book. It looks smart and charming for Outer. He think this doll likes to do experiments in science. (ExPeRimEnT iN cuTtinG bOdiEs)

Lust gets a skeleton doll with a choppy head. It's like a quarter of his skull is missing. It also has red blood eye while the other eye is pitch black. It gets creepy smile and ketchup stains on his clothes. Most importantly he has a small cute axe. (uSeD tO cHoP hIs PrEY)

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