ErrorMare [] MareCat :3

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Yo. This is MareCat. Or you can call me Nightmare as what my slave's friend say!

I like to sleep.
Owner: Nighty, stop sleeping on the floor.

I like to turn the lights off

I like to scratching and clawing objects.
Owner: My sofa :"(

My owner is Error Sans! She loves taking care of me and feeding me with lots of cat foods such as Tuna, Salmon, Dried Fish, Milk, Chicken, and Cat foods!

But most of my favorite for now is Tuna and Milk! :D

I usually call her as my slave tho because she always do everything for me and serve me like a king! She loves me and I love her too.

Today my owner is out for studying for her college. She has been stressing out a lot and I don't know what to do about it. She usually takes care of me and now I have to take care of her!

She's recently frowning a lot too! It's unusual of her... Usually she will smile and laugh while playing with me. I need to get back that happy smile of my owner! ASAP

Right now I'm traveling around complex. I love traveling because...

"Mama! Look! Kitty cat! He is so cuteeee!" A kid happily says as he runs to me and starts petting me softly. He is wearing colourful outfit, Maybe he's from school? (Ink)

By the way...
Ah.... This is heaven! It's so good!

"My child, don't get near that black cat. It brings failure." The mom says and gently grips on the child's hand. She slowly starts dragging him away from me. (Fate)

"But mama.... It's cuteeee! Let me touch it more pleaseee!" He begs and tries to get near me again. He starts to tear up. I stands up from my position and tilts my head in confusion. Why is he crying?

"No but, Mama will buy you ice cream if you obey." The mom smiles and picks the boy up. The boy sudden sad face turned into happiness again.

Humans are weird...
They cry then suddenly happy...

I jump on the walls and start climbing to the top. I put my butt down to the wall and stares up into the bright sky. The sky is so bright today, I wish I could spend this time with my slave. (Slave = Error)

"Meowww~" I meowed and keeps staring up while my tail sways softly through the breeze. It's really a good day.

"Mow?" I tilts my head when suddenly a strange colorful animal starts flying pass me. It has two wings and two horns! It's really awesome!

I start chasing it, Mindlessly without noticing the road. I try to get it with both of my hand but I keep failing. "Nyaaa~!" I stare in wonder as it flies away so high till I can't see it again. (Butter-fly ;D)

"Hey buddy?" Suddenly a human voice calls me out. I turn my head to see one of the man I usually see when Error brings me to buy some cat foods! Yup he's the cat food seller! He wears all blue! Maybe it's the outfit of a man... (Blueberry)

"What are you doing here?" He asks while giving me fried fish. Nyum! It's good! I immediately jump forward and eats it all.

"Mewww! [I'm traveling!]" I says and looks at the Blue man while rolling my body because I'm full now.

"Aweee... So cute... No wonder Error is always happy. She has you after all." He smiles and rubs my head gently. I purrs and wags my tail, Leaning into his touch.

"Mow Meow Mowwww! [My slave is sad today! Do you know why?]" I ask him while tilting my head.

"Today is really a bright day hm? You definitely needs have fun MareCat." Blue man mumbles and greets the customers when they enter the shop.

"Nyah! Meow mew mow!! [Ahah! Thank you Blue man! Fun is what she needs!]" I say and start running back to home. At this rate of time, She must have finished doing whatever she's doing at school! I must make her happy now!

Error sighs softly and arrives home. She opens the door and puts down her shoes. She places her coat and throws her bag at the sofa. She flops down on the sofa and pants softly. "Today is really stressing..." Error mumbles.

"Moww! [Slave?]" I start jumping on my slave's laps and make an adorable face.

"Oh, You want to eat? Wait here Nighty." She says and walks to the shelf. She opens it and grabs a tin of salmon.

"Mew? Meow!! [I'm not hungry!]" I groan and walk to her.

"Patience Nighty." She says and puts down the fishes on my bowl.

'I don't ask this... But don't waste this good food.' I thought and started eating the salmons till my bowl empty.

I crawl back to my slave and gently presses my palm on her hands. "Oh? You want my attention?" She asks and pats my neck gently. I purr softly and thought 'her hands are soft...'

She smiles a bit and starts opening a flat cold metal (phone). She starts frowning by looking at whatever it is.

She sighs, "Why my script file is error..." She mumbles



I immediately jump and kick the metal away from her hands. Her face is shocked and she looks at me with unreadable expression. The metal has a crack on it.


She starts grabbing the metal back and I tilts my head in confusion.

"...NIGHTMAREEEEE!!!" She yells furiously when she notices a crack in there.

I flinch and run away, go to my bed. I don't know what's wrong but it's getting worse!


Error stop being mad and looks at her phone, "Huh?" She mumbles and looks at the text.


She smiles happily and immediately stops. She remembers how she scares Nightmare away. "Nighty? I'm sorryyyyy!" She says and starts walking to his bed. She pats his head gently and kisses his stomach.

"Mow? [Erry?]" I question and look up at her. That smile is returning back on her and I'm glad.

"Love you Nighty, I'm sorry for scaring you." She whispers and hugs me softly.

"Mew meoww moww! [Yay! You are smiling again! I love you too!]" I smile and nuzzles her chest softly. It's the softest part after all!

~ To be continued
(Or not? :3 Based on you guys)

Also please support DarkBlueSoul012! She needs friend and love right now to relieve stress.

And those who see someone that steals her art/repost without credit please tell it to her! It will help a lot! We need to help others after all :D

ErrorMare [] OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now