ErrorMare [] X-Mas Special

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I was hurried at making this because my family comes and we all hang out. Consequently, I don't have any time to write the X-mas fanfic gift yesterday. I am very sorry that this is late and I unable to do it on time.

Enjoy the story!

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Error is creating on his puppets of every sanses in this universe. He smiles softly as he gazed at the little creations that he beloved. He had spent days on making these gifts for his friends, family, and his rivals too. He chuckled, Finishing the last bit before putting it inside a bag sack. "Phew... Everything is done." He smiled as he stretched his sore arms and legs.

"Hmm...What should I wear for Christmas?" He questioned himself as he grabbed red threads, a scissor, a needle, and a few pieces of cotton. He thought of creating the simplest outfit, An outfit of Santa Claus because who doesn't love that happy old man that delivers gifts to every good kid? He himself, Despite being mature enough for not believing Santa is not real, He still adores him even tho it's a fictional character.

"Let's start with the hat." He smiled and started knitting on the red hat with a small ball of cotton at the end of it. After a few hours, He finally has done creating outfits for himself. He smiled and put it on and he looked absolutely nice and cute.

"It's time to share the gifts!" He cheered as he picked up the bag full of gifts and opened a portal to another dimension. It was night right now as he silently yet quickly set the gifts next to each of the person. He had made these gifts, especially for Ink and Nightmare because they had kept him company even the company in another meaning.

For an example, Ink had kept him company by fighting him and chasing him around like children. He also talked to him even tho almost all the words are mean and heartbreaking. And Nightmare had kept him company by testing the poisons on him, talking to him with a bored expression and helped him in fighting their rivals, Especially his brother named Dream.

Error snickered as time went passed by as he walked to Ink's house, Gently placing a gift of new art supplies for Ink. He teleported to Nightmare's mansion as he placed the gang's gifts on their own bed. Lastly Nightmare as he gave a few books about wars and magic. He yelped softly when Nightmare suddenly grabbed him with his hand and tripped, kissing Nightmare's lips gently.

Error blushed heavily as he teleported away immediately meanwhile Nightmare merely smirked successfully as he kept resting. Error breathed heavily as he covered his mouth, His face was yellow like a sun.




Error screamed inside his mind as he kept panting heavily, He felt weird when he had kissed someone accidentally. He fainted on the spot as he couldn't think straight anymore. BECAUSE HE IS GAY NOW.

Chaos or Chara from AfterLife entered the Antivoid as she smirked when he saw Error laid on the floor, Clearly unconscious. She snickered and twirled around her magic as she made Error's male body turned into a female body. Now the outfit looked more tight and small in Error because of Error's breasts. Her dark blue skin was glowing brightly Looking sexy and cute af.

Error's Santa claus clothes were completely changed now. Error was wearing a red hat with a ball of cotton at the end of it, A pair of red and white striped stockings that reach Error's thighs plus a short red skirt that doesn't even reach her knees. There's a yellow ribbon wrapped around his neck like a gift and he was wearing red tops that showed his cleavage.

Chaos smirked as she teleported Error to the white bed that magically had appeared suddenly. "I'm going call Nightmare and Ink." She giggled excitedly.

After a few minutes, Error woke up as he looked around Rubbing his eyes softly. He yawned cutely as he stretched a little but can't due to his tight outfits. "E-eh? .................. EEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH?" Error screamed as he stared at his breasts and his bright blue ecto body. In the midst of confusion, He didn't realize that there's two people entering his home.

"Damn.." Ink and Nightmare thought as they stared at Error who was super adorable and sexy this Christmas. Ink smirked as he took the first step and crawled on the bed and looked at Error cute, confused face. "Heh! Don't you look stunning today sweetheart~?" Ink purred as he kissed Error lips gently.

Error squaked as he suddenly got dragged away by Nightmare who was wrapping his slimy black tentacle around his slim waist and pushed him to Nightmare's chest. "N-Nightmare? I-Ink?" He squealed as he felt Nightmare's tentacle slowly moving around her thighs. "Error is mine, Don't you dare take him away." Nightmare growled.

Error blushed softly Staring at Ink who had dragged him away from Nightmare by pulling his hands and carried Error like a braid. "E-eEEP! I-Inky?" Error blushed softly as he felt Ink squeezed his ass while holding him. "Why? I have every right same as you, Error is the one to choose." He snarled.

Error was speechless so he shakily pushed Ink off and immediately startd running away from both of them as he tried to hold his skirt down, He didn't want them to see his undies after all. "N-NOOOOO! I DON'T WANT TO B-BE GAINED LIKE THAT!" He blushed heavily as they started chasing Error, Drooling a little when they saw a slight bit of his underwear.

"A-aHHHh!" Error screamed as he tripped and fell down to the floor, Looking at Nightmare and Ink who had pinned him down.

"We will give you a beautiful present Erri/Ruru~" They spoke in unison.

They went closer to Error as they had pinned both of his legs and arms meanwhile Error blushed heavily and his face getting hotter and weird. This is a weird Christmas for Error. 

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