ErrorMare || Anti Depression

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Error: In this chapter, We apologize because there's no story.

Nightmare: But-! we will show you how to keep your depressions away and move on from this past of 2018

Error: It's a motivation quote where it will give you a reason why you should live!

Nightmare: But before that-

Error: Yeah! If you are in high school and love to complain about how misery you are in, Don't forget to check the new book called 'I FOUND LOVE' by Kristine_Theo

Nightmare: It's an official story where we all are in High School and I love being sneaky and kinky to Error ;)


Nightmare: Don't worry, It's safe for 9+ and the cursing is censored 100%

Error & Nightmare: Don't forget to check it out! :D

Nightmare: Plus these quotes had made Error overcome his depression and more independent! :3




"Depression is a flaw of chemistry, not the character."

"Sometimes those who don't socialize much aren't anti-social. They just have no tolerance for drama, stupidity, and fake people."

"Moving on is simple, But what you left behind makes it difficult."

"You will find that it's necessary to let things go; simply for the reason that they are heavy."

"You will never realize how strong you are, until being str9ng is the only choice you have."

"If you want something you never had, You must try something that you've never done."

"DON'T QUIT! You are already in pain, You are already hurt. Get the reward from it!"

"Life's becoming meaningful when you realize the simple fact that you won't get the same moment twice."

"It's that heart of gold and stardust soul that makes you BEAUTIFUL."

"People don't give themselves enough credit for overcoming things and getting better. Like you make it this far. Celebrate your strength!"

"The sunrise, of course, doesn't care if we watch it or not, It will keep on being beautiful, even if no one bothers to look at it."

"Perhaps the problem is not the intensity of your love but the quality of people you are loving."

"You know what sometimes all you need is 20 seconds of courage and another twenty seconds for embarrassing bravery. Believe me, you will get something great from it."

"It's our own mental attitude that makes the world what it is for us."

"Our thoughts make things beautiful, our thoughts make things ugly. The whole world is in our mind. Learn to see things in the proper light."

"It's okay to say I'm not okay!"

"Mistakes are the PROOF that you are trying."

"There's so much more to life than finding someone who will want you or being sad over someone who doesn't. There are lots of powerful time to be spent discovering yourself without hoping someone will fall in love with you along the way, and it doesn't need to be painful or empty. You need to fill yourself with love. Not everyone else. Become a whole being with your own."

"Go on adventures, fall asleep in the woods with friends, wander around the city at night, sit in a coffee shop on your own, write on bathroom stalls, leave notes in library book, dress up for yourself, give to others, smile a lot. Do all things with love, but don't romantic8ze life like you can't survive without it. Live for yourself and be happy on your own. It isn't any less beautiful. I promise."

"Don'5 allow your life to be just fine or okay or even good. Make it brilliant, spectacular, wild, extraordinary. Fill it with excitement and adventures, be passionate and fearless, search for freedom and opportunity. You only get one life, so make it count. Make it mean something, make it yours."




Depression, anxiety, and panic attacks are not signs of weakness. They are signs of your strength!

Let's share support for mental health awareness and show those who are suffering, that they are not alone. Remember, one in three of us will suffer from these at some point in our lives and will need love and support.

Also K, I give you a chance to say anything xD cause you had promised me that you will stop being distant

Also, A, Go start drawing and be free. Like you used to do with Fhey and you will be happier without me.

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