ErrorMare || Author!

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Warning : This is just a non sense story and I have nothing to do. It's not angst and it's not fluff. It's just random short story. It's about author's daily life. Next one shots will be Error x Nightmare from AnimalVerse. AnimalVerse was created by DaperDeer. It can be Fluff, It can be angst but who knows?

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Error hummed softly as he typed all the words in his mind to the laptop in front of him. He was wearing a red round glasses and a cute scarf that tied into bow. He wore a large white t-shirt that Nightmare had Given him as he wore a simple short. His legs and arms were showing bruises and scars he had from the abuse he got. He wore a simple cute bonny sock so his legs wouldn't get cold.

Now he was an author or writer in Wattpad and Quotev. He quit his old job and became a normal writer right now. He enjoyed writing and typing all the beautiful words and numbers to his device along with knitting dolls and scarfs for his lovely friends. He was happy right ow and he didn't care about anything else. He giggled softly as he slowly reached the end of his book. His book was called Broken Path [] Error. He wrote a story about himself.

He gasped in all the air he could breathe in the oxygen lung. He was extremely weak and powerless as his eyes were half lidded starring at the white ceiling in the hospital. Another person was beside him, Crying all their eyes out because they could do nothing but just pray for him to come out alive.

"P-please... S-stay longer..." They cried their eyes out as they gripped the weak male's hands which was very cold and lifeless. The male only smiled softly as he weakly gripped on them, Breathing weakly through an oxygen mask. His illness just getting worse on him and there's No. other way to heal his illness except die.

The other couldn't let it because many things had happened between them, Sad, Awkward, Happy, Regrets, Fluffy moments they had spent together and a few non sense fights they had done can't end like this. "S-so-sorry..." The weak male smiled softly, His soul pumping slower as doctors came to do operation as they had scheduled today. The other just could go out of the room and wait for him.

"Error, Come on. Stop writing that. No. one is going to read that kind of book anymore." Nightmare sighed softly as he entered Error's room. He didn't like Error trapped in his room for days, weeks, even months only to care about his book. He wanted Error to see the real world, Breathe fresh air and have fun with the nature instead with a plain, not a living thing.

He pouted, "Shut up Nighty! Writing is fun! Maybe you should try it!" Error growled as his writing session was cut off by Nightmare.

"What's fun in writing anyway?" Nightmare huffed, Folding his hands together with a stern face.

"It's fun! When your readers say that they enjoy your story, support your story and make a fan art for you! It feels so happy as if our heart was reborn and into whole again!" Error giggled as he wrote more and more.

"I wish there's someone wants to make a cover of my book, Or maybe the community want to make the book and release it in shops. With that I can get Moneys! I wish someone wants to make  song for my book, a fan art that relates to my character or even borrow the concept and credit me! I want to inspire me on making stories!" Error beamed, It's all his wishes. But he knows, that's all just his dreams.

He knows... No one will care about his book...
Everyone cares about BTS...

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Error sighed sadly as he didn't get any comments for his newest update today. "Are they bored of my story now..?" Error asked sadly as there's no notifications from Wattpad and Quotev. Lots of thoughts enter his head. Maybe he wrote the ending bad, Maybe they quit reading his book, Maybe he just have problem in his device so there's no notifications.

A ring on his phone as he immediately jerked up, There's a new comment in his newest story. It says, "Dear Author, I enjoy reading this book as much as other readers. But... Your story starts getting out of the plot. You add more AUs such as EmpireVerse, MusicTale, IdolTale and FortuneVerse. this book starts growing boring and it starts pointing out to that AU instead of the main character."

Error frowned as he cried softly, While Nightmare comes and hugs him softly, "Let's stop writing that..." Nightmare suggested.


ErrorMare [] OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now